Chapter 1

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“Good morning girls it's time for school” mom said as she entered our room

“I'm up ma” Savannah said, rubbing her eyes

“Common Hannah don't be lazy sweetie, get up and start preparing “mom said 'you wouldn't want to be late for School will you?” she added

“I'm up mom” I replied in a sleepy voice

“Good girl, see you downstairs” she said then left the room

I laid down on my bed again... I didn't have the motivation to go to school today, It was the final day of middle school and I'll finally be done with middle school but things were still the same...
Savannah has always been the popular smart student that always had praises from teachers wherever she went...Everyone expected me to be like her because we were twins … or because we were identical but we are total opposites, she hates what I love and loves what I hate, she is a smart and fast learner and I am an average and slow learner. She loves country music and I love kpop, she has many smart friends and an Extrovert and I'm antisocial and an introvert

We had many differences but still loved and talked to each other and we were sure nothing will separate us
“Hannah common get up! We're going to get our exam results today!!” she yelled and pulled me out of bed. “We're going to be late if you don't hurry so common let's go” she added

“Do you always have to ruin my mood?” i moaned

We went to the sink to brush our teeth, as we were brushing we looked at each other's reflection in the mirror
“You stole my face”  she said

“I had it first, your thief... remember I'm older” I replied

“Only by 32 minutes” she yelled and splashed water on my face

We soon started a water fight then we remembered that we had to get ready for school, we quickly took our bath and dressed up, then raced downstairs and as usual she always wins because she's hyper active and fast
“What took you two so long to get ready?” mom asked as she came out of her room with dad all we could do is ignore her as usual

“Good morning dad” Savannah and I greeted

“Morning Angels, where's your brother?” he asked

“I'm sure he'll be here soon... you know how Jordan is” Savannah replied

“Speaking of the devil” I said as he came downstairs

“I actually don't have time for you today... so I'll pretend I didn't hear that” he replied
He joined us at the dining table as we prayed then Nanny Nora served us and we had our breakfast, soon enough mom and dad drove to work and we got into Jordan's car and he drove us to school. We arrived at the school campus and came out of the car

“Ok little brats, you can now head to your classes, Don't follow me around like babies... once we're in school I don’t know the both of you so get lost ' Jordan said

“Who even wants to be seen around you... huh?” I asked him

“Right even we don't want people to know you're our brother... Or else your dumb obsessed girls will come disturbing our lives for your number” Savannah said backing me up

“Yeah whatever... I know you're already bluffing with my name because your brother here is the point guard of the basketball team” he said boasting

“Does it look like we care?? Focus on your books more rather than boasting around like a loser... to me you're just a dumb 11th grade student” Savannah said as she picked her bag up from the floor

“I'm not a bookworm like you Savie, I have a life out of books ... Why am I even talking to you two idiots and also thank God I'll be leaving you guys next year...? Now get lost before I smack you” he said leaving us behind and joining his crew

“Let's go Savie, he sure knows how to annoy us... we need to get to class before the bell rings” I told her

We held hands and walked into the school campus, just then savannah's friends called her and she withdrew her hand
“Umm I have to go” she tried to say

“It's fine I'll meet you in class” I said... pretending it didn't hurt that I was separating from her

I got into class and sat down, Savannah soon entered with her friends and they each went to their respective seats
Soon Mrs. Evans arrived and she was just on time

“Good morning students, ok so as you all know we won't be having effective lessons today because you will be collecting your results today” she said

“After today I'll miss you all... especially my Savannah Mickelson, Hannah Mickelson, Mary lane, Ayah Jacobs and Jamie Marshall... You guys have been outstanding students I hope high school treats you well and fair” she added
Deep down i was shocked... She actually mentioned my name, she was one of my favorite teachers and I could believe she termed me as one of the outstanding students... But wait, was I dreaming, this couldn't be… Or did I participate well in the final exams? Oh well I knew putting my hopes high would disappoint me so I just stayed low-key

“Past...” I turned back to see who it was

“Oh hi Jamie...” I replied

“Hey Hannah ... are you also nervous?” He said holding my hand 

“Umm yeah kind of” I replied

“It's ok… me too ' he said

“Mhm” I nodded

“All the best Hannah” he said as he let go of my hand

“Thank you Jamie… you too” I replied
Soon the class was in chaos as time passed the normal process of us talking our results started and we were given our results. I opened mine with one eye closed
And as I checked,I had
Math - D
English - B
Science - D
History - D
Literature - B
P.E - F

I instantly folded my paper, I couldn't continue looking… I sat back down and put the results in my bag

“Hannah! Guess what?? I have straight As” she said in excitement as she ran to my seat

“OMG! Savie I'm so happy for you” I said and gave her a hug

“What did you get?? Did they improve? She asked

“Umm literature and English did” I replied

“Ohhh...” she said as her mood changed

“Don’t worry … it's not the end I can still try harder in high school you know” I said trying to assure her

“But you don't get it... I'm always getting scolded because of your poor performance” she complained

“Just tell them you have nothing to do with it ok” I said

“Hannah” she tried to say

“Savannah please... Not now” I shut her

“Suit yourself” she said angrily and left the class with her friends

“Umm is everything ok??” Jamie said as he came to sit with me

“Yeah everything is fine” I replied

“Ok, well. Unfortunately, I got straight B’s...” He said jokingly

“Wow lucky. I don't want to say mine though, I didn't do well” I said shyly

“It's ok I wasn't going to ask anyways unless you told me” he said

He sat with me and things were pretty awkward so I decided to leave... and go around... alone
Unfortunately, I met Mrs. Evans on my way out

“Can I talk you after school... you and Savannah” she asked

“Ok ma’am” I said ...

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