"You like marvel? And you have a sister?"

I laugh at the double questions and nod. "Yes I like marvel movies and yes I have a sister, two actually. One older then me, Carina, then a younger, Camille. And I have a younger brother Marcel.

He nods taking in this information. "How old are they? Wait, how old are you? I can't believe I haven't asked that yet." Wow look who's getting comfortable, and I thought he would've already stalked that information out of me, I guess not.

"Carina is 28, I'm 26, Camille is 17 and Marcel is 14." I list them off before asking a question of my own. "And how old are you?"

"I'm 25." He says as he opens the door for me.

I smile, "Aw that means I'm older then you, you know what that means right?"

He looks at me confused as we walk over to the ticket stand. "What?"

"It means that I get to pay for everything from now on, and you have to listen to what I say." I shrug before finishing off, "It's just the rules."

"What, I can't let you pay for every-" I cover his mouth with my hands.

"Shh. It's just the rules." I reiterate.

I pull my hand away and he's about to speak again but I quickly walk away from him to the counter. To buy the tickets.

Once there purchased I happily walk back to Red with a smile on my face while a frown is on his.

"Well at least let me buy the food." I'm about to say no because theater food is ridiculously expensive and I wasn't gonna buy any in the first place but the look on his face tells me he's sad that I'm buying him stuff and not the other way around.

I sigh and playfully roll my eyes,  giving in to his adorable face, "A blue slushy, please."

That frown has turned right side up as he nods his head happily and goes towards the concession stand.

As he comes back I notice something big in his hands. "Why did you get such a big popcorn bucket?" I question, there's no way we'll be able to finish that, we just ate for Christ sake.

He shrugs and gives me a small smile, "for the experience."

(No spoilers I haven't seen the movie yet, nor spoilers ever actually, thanks.)

"Wow that was a good movie. It's not my favorite marvel movie though." I say as I stretch my arms above my head while walking back to the car.

By the time we finished the movie it was already dark outside, it's about 8:30 right now.

"Oh yeah? What's your favorite?"  Red asks as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I hum as I think about it. "My favorite individual movie? Probably the first Iron Man or Thor Ragnarok, but I also really like all the Avenger movies too. What's yours? I ask while unlocking my black truck and climbing in.

He gets in and buckles his seat belt before he answers. "Captain Marvel."

I tap my steering wheel as I pull out. "Oo good choice, I haven't watched that in awhile, I've been meaning to do a marvel marathon in order but I haven't had the time, maybe I'll watch the first couple movies tonight when I get home."

"We could go to my place and watch them?" Red asks and I look over at him when he makes a weird noise.

His face looks like he didn't mean to ask that question, that or he's embarrassed he asked it.

Ether way before he has time to take it back I say, "What a great idea, I would love too." I smile at him in a what I hope to be an appreciative way and not Over excitement, ether way I don't think I'll stop smiling for awhile.

He watches, she knowsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum