1. Run Away, Run Away with Me

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"What are we thinking chat?"

I swiveled my mouse around on the screen, glancing from the picture I had pulled up on the side to the spinning Sim.

I tilted my head. "I think it looks pretty accurate, to be fair."

A laugh bubbled out of my throat as I read some of the comments, leaning back in my chair. It had been the chat's idea to make the bangtan boys in the Sims for a challenge, and now here I was, three hours deep, and I just finished Jungkook's Sim.

I ran a hand through my hair, sighing as I played with the strands of pink. "Chat, all I'm saying is I would let this man run me over on the street and I would still probably say thank you."

     I struggled to keep a straight face as comments and donations came rolling in at my note. It's not like I was lying.

     My attention shifted from the screen when I heard my phone buzz on my desk. Biting my lip, knowing exactly what it was, I looked back up at the camera.

     "I think this stream has to come to an end guys. I'm being texted." I pulled a face, but laughed a few moments later when I heard my phone buzz again. "No, I don't have a boyfriend chat, I don't even have friends. Mods, can you turn off the live chat for this last part?"

     I waited a few moments so my mods could do what I asked, and then clapped my hands together. "Ok everyone! After much thought, I have decided something, and I think all of you will be excited! If you're not, that's your problem, but moving on."

     I moved closer to the camera and put a hand next to my mouth. "I am holding a competition, and the winner gets to meet me in real life."

     I smile crept onto my face as I relaxed back in my chair, trying to pretend it wasn't as big of a deal as it was when in fact, it was a huge deal.

     This was the first time in almost a year and a half my fans would be able to meet me in person.

     It was like I could see the comments already, asking what changed my mind so fast after being almost unreachable with mail or anything other than social media for more than a year. They couldn't even meet me at vidcon because of my personal reservations. And now I was giving them a chance to meet me in person?

     It was insane.

     I was insane.

     But I needed to do this

     I needed to get back to normal eventually.

     I moved my phone to my pocket as it kept buzzing, trying not to seem nervous while I started to explain the challenge, even though I knew the only reason for the texts was to reassure me. I didn't need to look, I could do this.

     My smile was directed at the camera as I decided I had tortured my fans enough.

     "Now, you guys are probably wondering, 'phantom, why a challenge all of the sudden? What purpose does this serve?' There's a very simple answer," I announced. "Chaos. I love to cause chaos. And what better way than to make my fans do a battle royale for the chance to meet me? The rules are simple."

I moved to sit cross-legged in my chair to get more comfortable before I explain. I held up my hand. "Number one, the challenge itself will be made of 3 different games. Those who qualify or survive in the first 2 rounds will move on to the final round where you will 1v1 me until one of us loses. Now I'm not going to tell you what the games are because that wouldn't be as fun, but I will give you the hint that all the games included I have played on stream or on my channel at some point. Could be from years ago, could be from a week ago, I don't know."

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