February 20th

31 0 0

Sam Wilson & Maria Hill| meeting the family

"I think my sister likes you better," Sam grumbles, bumping Maria's knee as he shuffles past to join her on the couch. "And, I'm her brother."

"Maria is smarter than you, Samuel." Sarah teases, handing each of them a mug of strong coffee, freshly ground and brewed. "And, I can appreciate anyone who can kick your ass."

Sam is humbled by the remark, slightly offended, but willing to acknowledge the truth in Sarah's off-handed comment. "Fair."

"I don't know, Sarah," Maria glances over at Sam, gray eyes teasing and happy, pink lips twitching in a hint of a smile. "Your brother has his moments."

Sarah looks between them, takes a moment to really observe their body language. The entire time they've been here, Maria has deferred to Sam, despite her strong presence, leaning into his willingness to lead. "I get the feeling there's more you're not telling me."

"Uh – I have PTSD," Maria discloses, looking down at Sam's hand on her knee, tracing circles on the denim of her jeans, squeezing when he feels her tense beneath him. "I'm not sure I'd be here if not for your brother."

"Oh, Maria, I didn't – I shouldn't have asked!" Sarah gasps, covering her mouth. She feels so insensitive for having asked but the way her brother is looking at Maria, the soft smile and softer eyes, he's proud of her. Perhaps being willing to acknowledge it is something they've been working on.

"No, it's okay, really," Maria smiles reassuringly, "Sam has been helping me acknowledge it. It's good for me to say it out loud sometimes."

Sam lifts his arm, allowing Maria to curl into his side. When she's settled in with her coffee, he sinks his hand into her dark hair and draws shapes on her scalp. Although she does like Maria, Sarah wonders how their relationship is even allowed ethically speaking.

"Isn't it unethical for a counselor to be...?" Sarah motions vaguely with her hands.

"Maria only attended a few meetings – I was never officially her counselor," Sam explains, taking a sip of his coffee. "And, if SHIELD thought it was unethical, they would have said so."

"Good," Sarah grins wryly, dark eyes bright with a mischief Sam recognizes. "As much as I'd hate to see you lose your job, I'll kill you if you ever lose Maria."  

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