Chapter Thirty - Trapped

Start from the beginning

Use the Ring of the Unseen it will show you the way.

Danielle recalled Meriol's last words to them as they left her standing on the hillside.

Telling George and Jessica what she was about to do, she rubbed the ring. Once again the forest around her faded into the strange, otherworldly light, it was as if she was looking at her surroundings through an old net curtain. 

Danielle walked to the edge of the clearing and smiled. It was still there.

Ceridwen's cottage and its well-tended little garden still sat in the woodland glade. 

She rubbed the ring again and the world jumped back into focus. 

'It's still here, right in front of us,' she told her brother and sister excitedly.

She rubbed the ring and grabbing their hands started running. 

'Come on,' she insisted, dragging along George and Jessica. As if fearing the cottage would fade away again if they did not hurry.

Just as they stepped onto the porch the door opened and Ceridwen stood there. She smiled and quickly ushered them inside.

She pulled them to her, hugging them close.

'I was growing concerned when you did not return.'

'We ran into a little trouble on the way,' Danielle explained, glancing at Jessica. 'But we're here now.' 

Jessica glanced back, a troubled expression on her face.

'Sorrow is still out there. He helped us find you.'

'Do not worry about him, he can look after himself,' Ceridwen said closing the door behind her. 'I expect he is off hunting Goblyns.'  

It was warm and cosy in the room, even though the fire no longer blazed in the hearth. The stove had stayed hot, and a kettle steamed on the hob. 

Fenrirr looked up from the comfort of her rug, but recognizing them, she snuggled down again.

'Come and get those wet things off, before you all catch a cold.' Ceridwen fussed.

'We have brought the Daybringer,' George announced. He unstrapped it and laid it on the table next to the Starheart and the Moonblade.

'Good, good. Now we just need the Amulet of Hidden Ways.' 

'Holt still has it,' Danielle told her. 'He and Eldon have returned to Yar-Atgur hoping to bring back help. They said they would return soon.' 

They removed their cloaks and boots. Ceridwen hung the cloaks on pegs near the stove. Remarkably, or a testament to the rugged Elven cloaks, their other clothes had remained dry and except for the legs of their jeans being a little damp, they were okay.

The Witch took three mugs down from a shelf and spooned in some dried powder from a tin, she added hot water and stirred them. She handed one to each of the children.

'Drink this herbal tea, it will do you good.'

Danielle looked at the mug and wrinkled her nose. There were bits floating on the top. But it did smell delicious. She tasted some.

She caught Ceridwen watching her, and glanced across at her brother and sister who were swiftly emptying their mugs. Shrugging, she took another big sip. It tasted of cinnamon, apples and honey and other things she did not recognise. Despite the floating bits, she found herself enjoying it., feeling the welcoming warmth spread through her body. Within moments all three had drained their mugs.

Legends from The Warlock's Chair - Book One - RavengaardWhere stories live. Discover now