35. Shaurya's Anguish!

Start from the beginning

"Why are you suddenly so into him? Don't tell me that Ashok even sitting in a wheelchair is pleasing you better than me," I never assumed Schlock to think so low about his cousin. 

"If you think in that way then yes he is and I am happy with that."

"I will see for how long you will be with him."

After a long pause what felt like not a century but a day she responded with disappointment and hurt perceived through her words, "I will never come back to you. I made my joke already and I don't want to make it further." 

"Then watch how horrible I am going to turn your life!" 

Then I heard the thuds of shoes following the similar velocity voice of heels, probably climbing down the steps.  

So Zainab and Schlock are cooking a dish called AFFAIR. And I was assuming that Zainab is having a crush on Ashok. This is a mess. On another hand, Rudhra is leering at me as if he owns me. I exchanged glances with Naveed Sahab. 

"Dear, you better stay away from them. That's the reason Mrs. Elina Chauhan kept Shaurya away from them." 

"Did Mama know about his cousin's character?"

 He nodded. Abruptly a countenance of anguish spread on his face. "Mrs. Chauhan was a well-mannered female. She never tolerated any type of nuisance from anyone. I guarded her for five years. But before her..." his words blocked in his throat as if a lump of despair have obstructed them. 

"You can tell me?"

"Before her death, she seemed to be disturbed as if something was bothering her. She used to take me everywhere but lately, she stopped and I appreciated that she was being threatened by, someone."

I gaped at him and probed, "did Papi and Shaurya know it?"

"Yes, that's the reason they went through her contact list after her death. But to our bad luck, we hadn't found anything."

"Were you present during her murder?"

"Unfortunately no. That was Junior's convocation day, management didn't let anyone except parents. We dunno, how Manav stepped inside the hall and found the chance to claim his aim." I was surprised to watch his eyes turn wet, "but she will always be in my heart." I tapped his shoulder and gave a tight-line smile.

Someone was threatening Mama! About what can someone threaten her?


The best time of my life was in College when I spend it with my friends. We used to make comments on others in the canteen and eat gossiping about teacher and student affairs. And for some reason, though we sat together our brains were occupied with some other topics.

So I started with some random topic, "And you remember Alisha?" Maan and Preeth nodded their head gulping a spoonful of chicken soup. "she was caught red hand by our Principle when she was kissing our English professor! She was really a slut. Every month she had an affair."

And then Maan exploded a bomb upon us, cutting me off. "Anya and I decided to live together in Delhi!" I never thought they will move on this fast.

Whatever, "Congratulations!"

"Yes, Armaan, Congrats!" Preeth added but seems like she is quite disturbed. A few minutes later, Maan's mobile introduced a call. Watching a blush on his face we kenned it to be Anya's- he excused himself and wandered away.

"Armaan is so happy, these days!" Preeth commented, watching him walking out of the restaurant.

I nodded, agreeing with her. "But what's wrong with you, Preeth?"

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