35. Shaurya's Anguish!

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I must say that it's easier to cool boiling water when compared to Shaurya's anger. I had to circle my arms around his belly like a waistband and drag him to the ninth floor, then to his marvelously beautiful office. I sat on the couch like a watchdog to keep an eye on him while he sat on his leather chair doing nothing but staring at his laptop screen in front of him. 

Shaurya tilted his head and glared at me. Though I smiled, beamed, and grinned, his glare didn't change. He is targeting his wrath on me because I stopped him, presumably committing murder. Killing Rudhra.

"If looks would have killed someone, I would have laid dead here, on this comfy grey couch!"

"Saira, I have no interest to hear your borderline jokes."

So, this didn't work.

I modified my features to something similar to serious. "We can't just do it, Shaurya?" I started suddenly, surprising him.


"A murder. We need to do proper planning. Or we can gift that scoundrel a cobra." A small smile started to take place on his lips. I walked to his chair and pushed his laptop away. I sat on the table, and he moved his chair closer and trapped my legs between his. Then he laid his head above my lap. I caressed his hair.

"I don't want to lose you, Saira. I can't bare anyone looking at you in that way." 

"I know, Minaret. And I love you more than anyone."

After ten minutes, I started feeling numb in my legs. "Ok, now get up, I'm feeling numb!"

"No!" He rejected me cutely and stroke his nose against my stomach. Momentarily something came up in my mind. That open challenge, which if Shurya doesn't get succeed, will end my life in ten days.

"Shaurya!" he hummed,  "Did Prakash's friend reveal anything?"  Abruptly, he raised his head and meet my eyes. I tried my best not to sound frightened or show him any fear. 


I laughed easing the suddenly tense atmosphere of his extremely large and dark office room. "I am going to the restaurant, I invited Maan to lunch. Even Preeth will join us!" I started babbling and jumped off the table, walking past him but had to stop as he held my wrist.

He pulled me onto his lap. He consolidated me in his embrace. "I will reach him before he reaches you. Even if he reaches you, I am going to beat him dead."

I stepped out of his office and saw Dharam and Naveed standing like statues of a perfect bodyguard on either side of the door. I asked Dharam to keep his eyes on Shaurya. I don't trust him, as I know how he will fulfill his aim without thinking about the world. Then with Naveed Sahab, I made my way to the restaurant. 

"Naveed Sahab, I am gaining nowadays a lot of weight, so let's use the staircase!"

"What's your problem?"

I lift my hand to halt Naveed Sahab's movement the moment I heard whispers coming, probably behind the door, which lead to the staircase. 

"You!" I heard another whisper which presented as a reply to the first inquiry. Well, the voices seemed to be familiar. Much familiar. I tip-toed closer toward the source of the whisper. "You are my problem, Zainab."

My lids stretched with shock as I realized the male is non-other than Schlock. 

 Zainab chuckled. An exhausting chuckle, "I was never a person of interest to you Mr. Schlock so I am not a problem!" 

"So are you into that paralyzed-motherfucker?" I contemplated to whom he was referring by stating paralysed-motherfucker. Ashok!

"Mind your language." she outbursted outrageously.

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