4. From the Dead

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Everett could never imagine a world without magic.

Moonlight guided him down a cobblestone path to some wrought iron gates that girdled Briarwood's cemetery. Owls hooted to the night sky, blanketed in stars. Beside him, Kieran followed closely, surveying the area with keen eyes. Everett tugged his robe's hood over his freezing ears, wishing he had the powers of a fire wizard to unthaw his shivering soul.

A wizard's magic derived from the elements, always passed down from their mother. Everett's specialty was wind magic. However, there were certain spells a wizard could perform, regardless of where their magic originated. Many death curses and forms of black magic could be wielded by anyone, which was partially why Everett had dragged his new vampire partner out in the cemetery in the middle of the night.

Since the gates were sealed with a magically imbued lock, there was only one way inside. They had to climb over the fence. Unfortunately, the enchanted wards around the cemetery had been constructed to detect their brooms as well, so he couldn't attempt that either. Instead, Everett produced his wand from his robe's pocket and swirled it around as he chanted a spell of whirlwind magic.

Silvery embers glistened in the wind that rippled around the ground, stirring up any little pebbles and debris it could collect. Everett stepped into the mini funnel one boot at a time, allowing it to levitate him high enough to avoid touching the magically sparked gates. The whirlwind descended his body onto the other side with care before evaporating.

"You really know how to fascinate a man," Kieran remarked.

Everett did a dramatic little bow for him with a grin. "It's the only way in without being zapped by Monarch Elaine's magic." He shuddered to imagine such force ripping into his body. "Be sure not to touch the tips of the gate."

"Thanks for the advice." Kieran gave him a salute.

"We take precautions to make sure the zombies never escape again."

Memories of last year's Harvest Fest from hell tainted his mind with bloodshed, and he shook such horrific thoughts aside. Nothing like that would ever happen to them again.

When Kieran shifted into bat form, that uncanny sound of bones breaking ripped through Everett's ears. It sounded painful. Everett couldn't imagine the contorting of bones, flesh, and other vital organs was a pleasant feeling. Yet Kieran emerged in his human form within seconds, seeming unbothered by the transformation.

"So, why are we trespassing tonight?" Kieran asked. He brushed up against his side. No breath tickled his ear when Kieran leaned down and whispered, "Are we stealing a corpse?"

"Heavens, no!" Everett all but shrieked. "What sort of wizard do you take me for?"

"How should I know?" Kieran spread his hands. "Honest mistake, but pray tell, what are your intentions?"

"We're going to speak with Richard's ghost," Everett said matter-of-factly.

Kieran raised a brow. "What makes you think he'll be around tonight?"

"We're going to summon him." Everett plucked out a small bag filled with summoning supplies from his robe's pocket. Sometimes he understood why his mother carried such a huge purse around with her.

"You can summon ghosts?" Kieran asked with a frown. "I thought wizards could only do that with demons."

"Only some wizards possess such abilities. It taps into a special kind of necromancy black magic, so don't tell anyone." Everett winked.

From his pocket of wonders, Everett plucked out a few tealight candles and centered them around Richard's grave. He used his lighter to ignite flickering flames. Little shadows danced around them as he used his salt to encircle the grave, connecting to each lit candle. He ensured not to leave any gaps in the summoning circle, but it was a lot easier to contain a deceased spirit compared to a demoness from hell.

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