21. Triplet Transform

Start from the beginning

"I like your office more," Shawn whispered. He brushed his fingers across Miles' back, making him shiver. They had been ignoring the kiss from before, but suddenly it was at the forefront of Miles' mind. 

"Why? Easy access to booze and a kitchen?"

Shawn leaned closer. "Maybe. The company is also quite compelling."

He stepped away, leaving Miles flushed. He approached a woman at a reception desk near his office.  

"Hey, Jules. Miles will stay here while I meet with Scott and Chambers." He nodded toward Miles, who approached them. 

Miles held out his hand and introduced himself to Jules. "You don't have to worry too much about me. I'll just catch up on some emails." He knew his phone had been blowing up with notifications.

"You let me know if you need anything, Miles," she said with a smile. She handed a folder to Shawn. "Here are the proposals for Mr. Chambers. Good luck."

Shawn chuckled. "I'll need it. Thanks, Jules." He placed a hand on Miles' arm. "It shouldn't be too long, but then again, Chambers has proved me wrong before."

Miles shrugged. "More secrets to uncover then. Take your time."

"Menace," Shawn grumbled and nudged him a little. Despite his words, he left with a smile.

Miles huffed out a laugh and turned to Jules. "I'll stay out of your hair."

"I'm not terribly busy, so feel free to let me know if there is anything you need."

Miles nodded and walked to the windows, and looked over the city. He sighed contently, wondering what would happen if he had something like this. He leaned against the window, pulled out his phone, and started the arduous task of sorting through his emails.

He was surprised to see a call incoming from Trickshot.

"Hey, Trickshot, what's up?" He said, keeping his voice down so it was not echoing in the empty lobby.

"I just know you were with Phase and Mr. Pierce today. Just seeing if you're done recording," He answered. His voice was a little strained. 

Miles' brow creased with worry. "Phase finished a little bit ago. I'm still with Shawn."

"I see. I guess I was just wondering if you have decided to sell now that you had the time to see Aura's resources." He tried to laugh it off. 

Miles still felt something was off. They were all worried about his decision to sell, especially now that they knew he was Requiem. 

"That's not something Shawn and I have discussed. And even if it were, I wouldn't make such a hasty decision. I only took his offer to help Phase with his album. I'll probably have to do the same for Flux and hopefully you soon." He explained, hoping to receive some sort of commitment from Trickshot. 

"Yeah. I know. But I'm... um... just checking in."

Miles released a long exhale. "You know I won't make any decisions without you and the others having a say in the matter. Any choice that is made regarding Dirge is going to take time and communication."

He could hear Trickshot blow out a long breath. "I guess I'm worried and wanted to talk to you."

"I get it, Trick. Believe me. I'll keep you all updated before any decisions I make."

"Appreciate it," Trickshot said.

Miles hesitated for a moment. "But while I have you, I really need to sit down with you and talk music."

Trickshot groaned. "I know."

"You know I hate pushing you to create when you're not in the headspace for it, but we need to get you out there. I need a show or an album." Miles said, his voice taking on more of the energy of a boss than a fellow DJ. 

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