Chapter 34| Code Names

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Draco spent the weekend trying to figure things out. Mostly on how he was going to get the three items back... Well, two actually seeing as Harry loves his cloak. Eventually, he just decided to go see the green-eyed boy.

"Potter, a word please." He said softly at the end of Transfigurations.

The shorter male tilted his head before his eyes lit up. He learned close to the Slytherin, mischief forming in those green pools.

"Do you finally remember everything?"

Draco blinked before shyly nodding.

"What type?"



Suddenly the two started giggling, quickly making themselves look busy when the Lion Head strolled by. It currently was a study session.


"Minus Ron, yup."


"Twins, Mis and May. Luna's her name and 'Mione's Wise. Neves I think is opposite of Luna and plants. Haven't asked him, the twins been keeping his time."

Draco nodded his head, a smile forming on his lips. That all made sense to him. They fitted well within those roles.

"Twins and Neves then?"


"Did wonder."

"Of course, you vain Peacock."

"Stupid Lion."

The chuckled at themselves again. They worked silently for the rest of the class, easily completely the assignment. It was on Animagus, to go with their Creature Inheritance. Apparently, someone with a C.I could also have an Animagus form, some of which were completely different from the Creature. It was interesting to learn, especially the potion that went with it. Not that they'd necessarily needed to see it.

"He remembers." Was the first thing out of Harry's mouth when they rejoined their group.

Quickly the twins patted Malfoy on the back, humming their congratulations. Hermione gave her nod, practically clinging to the smaller witch who had joined them quickly. Neville gave him a smile and nodded as well.

"This Hogsmead, we'll need to see Ollie." Harry hummed in old business-like voice. Merlin did Draco miss hearing it.

"He remembers?" The blond asked as they were all walking toward the library.

"He's one of us." The green-eyed Lion winked at the other, a smirk playing on his face.

Draco gave a playful growl, wrinkling his nose in the most un-Malfoy way possible. The others looked at the two with slight smiles. It was cute seeing them act this way. It almost felt like they were going through their own courting ritual before just hooking up. Then again, they were idiots in their own rights.

The group of Gods took to finishing what essays they had. They talked a little bit, catching Draco up on their rough plan. He nodded a bit, a smile on his face.

"Didn't know that you'd had it in you to plan even this far." He teased, making Harry pout.

"Shut up, like you can do any better."

The Slytherin raised an eyebrow, a challenging smirk. He gathered his books and parchments, tilting his head as he began to walk away. The others looked at each other before quickly gathering their own things and following him.

They made their way to RoR. The room was comfortable and held plenty of seats, Draco already beginning to write down a more detailed plan. The group relaxed in their chairs, cuddling close to their significant other.

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