Chapter 22| Meeting an Unworthy Peacock

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Gilderoy Lockhart. The name brought shame to truly powerful wizards and witches alike. In fact, during the original timeline, calling someone a Lockhart became an insult. Something that meant someone unworthy of pride or a small Peacock. It was funny really, when one thought about the idiot that was Gilderoy Lockhart.

Now, however, with that buffoon in power again, it wasn't so funny. The group of Gods were lucky that they had already experienced all of this before. Very lucky. Everyone else at the school? They were basically screwed.

Harry ran a hand through his hair, pouting a little at what he was seeing. He couldn't believe that he had to deal with someone like him again! He was more annoying than dealing with Voldemort! Though he was better than Umbridge... Now she was a true terror, and he had to figure a plan to knock her down permanently too.

He still needed a plan to deal with the idiot first. He can't just let him run around with power, with influence. However, he couldn't let him just forget. The peacock needed to properly pay for what he had done to the innocent people who had deserved their praise.

Finally, a smile formed on his face as a thought came to him. He could use Gilderoy's own ego to his advantage and make him reveal it himself. He could also have Gilderoy establish a sword's club. At least that way would be easier for Harry to relearn how to use the sword, and maybe he would even get Draco to relearn with him!

With that in mind, he began to write a letter to Rita. He knew with her bug Animagus, she would be able to find the truth. Especially if he just gives her a push in the right direction~

Before the young wizard could complete his letter, however, there was a knock on his door.  He lifted his head and looked to it. Carefully, he covered the letter. He currently didn't want them to know what he was planning. Not yet, they weren't ready for that.


The door opened to reveal a smiling and smartly dressed Sirius and Remus. The boy tilted his head at them, confused. This wasn't their weekend.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Remus laughed a little, walking into the cramp apartment room.

His kind eyes looked around at the mostly baren room. There wasn't much room to really put anything up, plus he was living in a Muggle area, so any Wizarding items couldn't be shown. Which the werewolf didn't really like that. He knew the boy wasn't actually a child, but it would be nice to see some childish wonder... For him to show a little pride.

"Forgot?" The old soul muttered, running a hand through his wild hair. His eyes then widen as then he gave them a wide smile. "Right! We're going shopping with the Weasleys and the Malfoys!" He chirped, bouncing up.

The two adults laughed and nodded. The boy grabbed his jacket and hurried out of the small room. The adults quickly followed after him, grabbing his hands. This was what they wanted to see from him. They wanted to see him smile and laugh like a child. Have the childhood he didn't have before.

Of course, this wonder did die a little as the trio met up with the others. Molly and Arthur were a little way from the group, having a small argument if Molly's frantic hands were anything to go by. She looked angry, very angry. With her frantic movement, she kept pointing over to where the Malfoy's stood.

Eventually, the two red-haired adults joined back into the group, Molly didn't look too pleased though. She, Ron, and Ginny's faces were tight with disgust and uncertainty. The Malfoys kept their pureblood masks in place, being polite and curt with the Weasleys.

Harry gave the large Weasley family a bright smile and a pureblood one to the Malfoys. He really hoped that the Molly wouldn't try anything. He didn't think he would be able to stop the twins from jinxing her if she did.

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