Chapter 23| Plans for Lockhart

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"How are we going to make sure he doesn't ruin other students' chances at their OWLs and NEWTs?" Hermione sighed heavily, rubbing her head in frustration. This had kept her up for most of the night. She honestly couldn't believe that Dumbledore would hire someone as foolish as that man! He clearly didn't do any of the things he said! She could understand the world and even her younger self for not seeing the signs, but Dumbledore? He was an idiot man just as prideful as Lockhart, that was for sure.

Luna giggled, leaning against the older witch. It was a little surprising to have found Luna in the once Golden Trio's regular carriage, but then again not so much. They just had to remember her new title and just shrug off the rest. She though made sure that Hermione was sitting right next to her, almost clinging to the older Claw. Which Harry thought was cute.

"Me and you are Ravenclaws, we could look through the library and find a very important rulebook by accident." The dreamy witch hummed.

This got the older woman's attention. Her brown eyes looked down into dreamy eyes of the girl clinging to her. A bright smile soon formed on Wisdom's lips, her nodding quick enough to cause her hair to bounce about.

"Yes! That's brilliant!" She laughed happily at the end, pulling the younger witch closer to her in a sideways hug.

Luna giggled again, closing her tired eyes and cuddling with her favorite person. As much as her and Hermione didn't really get along when they were younger, they had grown closer after the war. The blonde woman had been there during the nasty divorce, even helped take care of her as the brunette basically worked herself to death. The only times she left her side was when her own family needed her and when the secret came out. The last times were because Hermione refused her help and pushed her away. It kind of hurt, but Luna understood why so the pain was negated a little. Now, she could have that close bond with Hermione again, and there was no real reason for her to push her away too!

The bushy haired Ravenclaw gave a sweet smile to the Seer, who was currently nuzzling her arm. She felt more relaxed this time around, and now that she knew everything really happened, she didn't need to worry about trying to prove herself. She never really had to in the first place if she really thought about it, but she was a child, so she had to cut herself some slack. Now, she has a second chance to make everything right and live a truly happy life with no regrets. Maybe that's why she had said yes to becoming a God. To live a life with no regrets... Yeah, that sounds so good.

Harry blinked a little as he watched the two Ravenclaws basically cuddle into each other. He then quietly chuckled to himself, smiling. They looked very cute together, and they probably were more compatible too. Ron never deserved Hermione, is all Harry's saying. Rolf was a good man, though never really was able to keep Luna in the present, not the same way Hermione could.

"Süβ." The twins hummed together. (Cute)

Neville chuckled and nodded but didn't say anything else. The young Hufflepuff was currently engrossed in his book about wild plants, a book he hadn't read before. Namely because he wasn't given the time to read, and it was old and forgotten by the time he did.

The twins smirked at each other as they each put an arm around Neville's shoulders.

"Sehr süβ~" They cooed in very suggestive tones. (Very cute~)

Neville blinked in surprise before blushing darkly as his mind caught up with what they were saying. Or at least what their tone was implying.

Harry snickered at them before getting up to walk about. He felt like a third wheel for the two of them. Besides, he wanted to see if he could grab some candy before everyone else. As he walked, he bumped into Draco.

The two were silent for a few moments before giving each other sweet grins. They were loving grins. They only looked away when they heard the candy trolly. Silently, they picked out their favorites, along with some extra, before leaving.

Back in the little carriage, Harry noticed a very red Neville sitting in one of the twin's laps while the other was whisper-reading to the Hufflepuff. Luna and Hermione had switched spots and Luna was sitting in Hermione's lap as the two looked over a DADA book together. An actualy DADA book, not Lockhart's poor attempt at one.

"We need a plan to deal with him, but also have him move like a puppet." The boy hummed aloud after closing the door behind him.

The two couples looked up to him, raising an eyebrow. Hadn't they just decided on finding some rule to break him? What more from him did they need?

"I believe Draco is a God, like you Hermione."

The group went a little tense before Luna went into a fit of laughter, a beautiful smile forming on her face.

"It makes sense! I kept seeing him and you always together, holding each other so closely!" She giggled more quietly, curling more into Hermione's lap.

Harry flushed a little, taking his seat as the twins and Neville snickered at him.

"Yeah, I saw him staring out the window once and to the field where Harry was before." Neville ratted, leaning back into his older lover.

A darker red hue took hold of Life's face, a loving smile forming. He really hoped that his once fellow Gryffindor wasn't pulling his leg. 

"Other than letting us know and adjust, why tell us?" The twin that didn't have Neville asked, leaning on his other brother's shoulder.

Harry's love-puppy grin softened to his more grandfatherly one.

"Because me and him used to train with swords together, and I believe that Lockhart's own ego would love to have a sword dueling club as much as a wand dueling club~" 

The group blinked before they nodded slowly. Luna then gasped and excitedly looked over to Hermione. The two didn't say a word, just staring at each other, then Hermione's eyes widen, and she gave a joyful laugh. She turned to the ravenet, an amused look on her face.

"You're trying to make him remember through a duel, aren't you!"

The other three paused before they gave a soft laugh, the twins looking rather impressed. Harry politely laughed and nodded.

"You think it'll work?"

Luna tilted her head before nodding slowly.

"It will tell him more than words ever will." She sighed out, pressing her head into the older witch's shoulder.

After that, Harry let himself relaxed, pulling out Lockhart's book to keep himself entertained for the rest of the ride. This year was going to be relaxingly busy. He didn't mind that, as long as the greyed idiot doesn't do something to break that.

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