Chapter 14

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Aizawa: So you all decided to ambush?

Todoroki: Did we stutter?

Uraraka: I don't think we did.

Aizawa: You know I can still expel you?

Tsuyu: You two need to shut up.

Sero: Honestly it's getting annoying.

Denki: Whatever you background characters 


Tokoyami: What?

Denki: Nevermind

Shoji: *Is this gonnabe another episode?*

Shinsou: Yes, yes it is.


Aizawa: Language!

Shoji: Japanese.

Aizawa: Haha, I like you.

Shoji: So do I sir.

Shinsou: Anyways, why am I here.

Uraraka: Just sit there and look pretty.

Sero: *Cough* Whore!

Aizawa: *Man I love it here.*

Mineta: Did you all forget about me?!

Tsuyu: Hush child! The grown ups are planning.

Mineta: So mean...

Shinsou: Am I the only one confused on how he got into the hero course and I didn't?

Shoji: I ask myself that everyday.

Hagakure: Honestly.

Mineta: I got a recommendation.

Tsuyu: By who?

Mineta: All Might himself.

Uraraka: Yeah and I'm not still in love with Deku.

Hagakure: You ain't gotta lie Craig!

Uraraka: Who is Craig?

Tsuyu: .....

Tokoyami: I think my brain just committed suicide.

Hagakure: Girl... that's a classic movie! 

Uraraka: What's it called?

Hagakure: Friday.

Uraraka: Sounds stupid.

Creator: You're stupid! 😠

Tsuyu: Can we go over the plan now?

Shinsou: Please.

Todoroki: Your not even- 

Shinsou: Shush pretty boy.

Denki: He's ugly in my opinion.

Tsuyu: Then why are you dating him?

Denki: I'm not. I'm dating Ochako-chan not him.

Todoroki: Yeah, that's just weird.

Aizawa: *Nezu, I know your watching over the cameras.* *Looks at the hidden camera*

Nezu: Hahaha! I love teen drama!

Midnight: ..*Should I be concerned?*

All Might: *Why am I even here?*

Nezu: Hahaha! I love it!

All Might: *Mom... I'm scared*

Midnight: I'm gonna go now..

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