Chapter 1

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Creator: Izuku is on his way to the park with his father. When they get there.

Izuku: *Gets out the car* Bye Dad!

Hisashi: Okay don't go too far.

Izuku: Okay! *Goes to play*

Creator: A few minutes later.

???: Hey! Give that back!

???: And if I don't?

Izuku: *Walks over to the yelling* What's going on?

???: He took my toy and won't give it back!

???: I'm a girl thank you.

Izuku: How about y'all just share?

???: I guess that could work...

???: I'm fine with that.

Izuku: Great. Oh and I'm Izuku!

Momo: Momo.

Jirou: I'm Jirou.

Izuku: Nice to meet you both.

Hisashi: Izuku! Time to go!

Izuku: Coming! I hope we meet again! *Leaves*

Jirou: He was nice.

Momo: Yea he was.

Creator: At Izuku's house.

Inko: How was the park?

Izuku: Fun. I made two new friends.

Hisashi: What's their names?

Izuku: Momo and Jirou.

Inko: Well I hope their good people.

Hisashi: Their 4 how bad can they be?

Inko: Yea your right.

Izuku: Well imma go to my room.

Hisashi: Have fun.

Izuku:. *Leaves*

Inko: Work was a pain. *Sits down*

Hisashi: I can make some coffee if you want.

Inko: That would be nice. Thank you.

Hisashi: Anytime.

Creator: With Izuku.

Izuku: *Drawing* *I wonder if I will see them tomorrow*

Hisashi: *Opens the door* Hey buddy time for dinner!

Izuku: Okay I'll be down in a sec.

Hisashi: Kk. *Leaves*

Izuku: *Closes his sketch book and goes downstairs* What's for dinner?

Inko: Rice and chicken.

Hisashi: My favorite!

Izuku: *Sits down* Thank you for cooking Mom.

Hisashi: Thank you for cooking Hun.

Inko: You both are very welcome.

Creator: Okay the eat,Shower and go to bed. The next day.

Inko: Izuku come on or we won't go to the park!

Izuku: Coming! *Comes downstairs* I'm ready.

Inko: Okay come on. 

Creator: They leave for the park. When they get there.

Izuku: Bye Mom!

Inko: Don't go too far!

Izuku: I know Mom! *Leaves*

Momo: Your kinda mean.

Jirou: I'm not mean just misunderstood.

Izuku: Hey guys.

Momo: Oh hey Izuku.

Jirou: Hello broccoli boy.

Izuku: That's kinda mean. But anyways... What we're you guys doing?

Jirou: Oh just playing thumb war.

Momo: Wanna play the winner Izuku?

Izuku: Sure why not.

Creator: They played for a while and got to know each other better. Time skip to when they begin middle school. (They also meet Katsuki)

Momo: Are you guys nervous at all?!

Izuku: No just calm down. You'll be fine.

Creator: Shit! I forgot quirks. Izuku's quirk is All for one. He can give upgrade and copy quirks. Momo has Element control and Telekinesis thanks to Izuku. Jirou has X-ray vision and Element control thanks to Izuku. Katsuki has Regeneration and teleportation thanks to Izuku. They still have their original quirks also.

Jirou: Yea there's nothing to worry about.

Katsuki: Let's go before we're late.

Creator: When they get to class.

Teacher: Okay let's thank attendance. Midoriya,Izuku.

Izuku: Here.

Teacher: Bakugou, Katsuki.

Katsuki: Here.

Teacher: Jirou,Kyoka.

Jirou: Here.

Teacher: Yaoyorozu,Momo.

Momo: *Nervous* Here!

Teacher: No need to yell.

Momo: I apologize sir.

Creator: After attendance.

Teacher: Let's get to know each other better aye?

Katsuki: I'll start. My name is Katsuki, Bakugou and I will be  #1 hero!

Teacher: What's your quirk?

Katsuki: Explosions, Teleportation, and Regeneration.

Teacher: Okay next.

Creator: After that. And when class is over and time for  lunch.

Ochako: Hey Midoriya right?

Izuku: Yea why?

Ochako: I just wanted to know if you want to have lunch together?

Izuku: No- 

Katsuki: He would love to. *Pushes him*

Ochako: Great! See you at lunch! *Leaves*

Izuku: Really!?! You know I like Momo and Jirou!

Katsuki: They don't seem to like you look *Points over to them*

Jirou: *Talking to Denki*

Momo: *Talking To Shoto*

Izuku: *Sighs* Let's see if your right about that Bakugou.

Katsuki: Yea we'll see Deku.

Creator: Okay this is it for this part. If you haven't already please cheek out my other story labeled Izumomo (Deku x Momo) and see if you'll like it. Okay but anyways I hope you enjoyed this part. I hope you have a good Day/Night bye guys! (Also sorry it's short not really sorry)

(612 Words)

Cheated/Betrayed ( IzuMomoJirou)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ