Aonung and his friends had vanished, a couple small yellow fish where they had been watching just a view seconds ago, unlike the upset Loak, Ivys ears flattened and her eyes narrowed, so this was what they were planning, pathetic.

She made a beeline to the Ilu on the surface, ready to take a gasp of air, and when she broke the surface she immediately let the relief wash over her as she took a deep breath, she turned to Lo'ak her ears flattened further than he though was possible "Lo'ak, it was obvious they were planning something" she scolded, but immediately regretted it once she realised how upset (and rightfully so) he was.

She sighed as he went to connect his queue, she swam up to him and he helped her up onto his creature, the two began looking around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the boys, but they were nowhere to be seen "dickheads" she muttered.

Lo'ak scoffed "yeah"

She glanced around once more before relaxing back on his Ilu, letting her chest rest against his back, exhausted, too tired to insult him, and that was saying alot she let her eyes flutter shut "can we go?"

"Yeah" he said quietly, willing the Ilu around so the sun was out of her face.

She scrunched her nose and pushed herself up from Lo'aks back, she slid into the water "gimme a sec" she paddled a couple metres away checking to see if the Ilu really had left or if there was another one available.

She spun around.

Ivy barely had time to process the approaching creature she has spotted from the corner of her eyes, in a split second the pressure from the immense spread from the creature pushed her back violently flailing helplessly, listening to the wails of the Ilu.

The world was blurred as she stopped spinning and regained her stability, she caught a glimpse of the creature, large and dark, it's mouth, opened up looking like some fucked up flower as it attempting to crunch down on Lo'aks Ilu, but she couldn't make out much detail.

But it's teeth, oh she saw it teeth, sharp and menacing .

She'd worry about herself later, Lo'ak? Where was Lo'ak? She snapped her head to the left, the boy, as stupified as her was also looking directly at her and paddling forwards.

She looked back, the creature was pursuing the crying Ilu, a glimmer of hope sparker in Ivys heart, but it was immediately diminshed her the thing slowly swam around, facing the two teens.

Ivys heart rate spiked further than ever before, the creature was fast, it's armoured tail drove it forward, if Lo'ak wasn't there to desperately drag her back she wouldn't of reacted quickly enough.

He shoved her forward in between a build of coral, barnacled and mossy, she latched onto his hand, dragging him in with her, just in time to save his legs from being munched off.

It's mouth opened up into thirds, but was stopped by the underwater structure, Ivy could now marvel at the size of its teeth, well the size of everything really, it's mouth was big enough to swallow her whole.

She couldn't panic now, her head moved around desperately looking for an escape, while Loak moved forward with his last arrow, pointing it up into the monsters mouth and shooting it into its thick white internal skin.

The creature cried out in pain momentarily, it's pupils dilating before returning back to the small malicious dot, it had quickly recovered and Ivy felt like throwing up from fear as it munched up the crossbow like it was nothing.

The two teens were now pressed up against the coral, Ivy keeping her calm in order not to let out her remaining breath, any second now the creature would break through and kill them.

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