ʚ ex-harbinger escape ɞ

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1 more chapter after this guys

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1 more chapter after this guys.

" care for a duel?"

" you're super duper short up close," i laugh at the harbinger, ignoring his words and you could tell he took that personally by the way he clenched his fists in response to my stupid comment.

i remove the knife from his throat and step back away from him since he looked as if he was going to punch the hell out of me.

" i asked you a question." he simply states closing his eyes and trying to contain himself. he couldn't have you dead already. " and? my obvious reply is a no."

" think again, that guy over there hasn't got much time left." his eyes glare over to kazuha who watches the harbingers interaction with you ; an angry expression present.

he tries to focus his hardest to try to understand what the pair of you were saying or even see. the blood loss was really getting to him now.

" maybe if i propose the deal first, you might say yes?"

" i said—"

" a duel." he smiles maliciously, a satisfied yet insanely evil smile twisting on his lips. " winner takes it all. if i win i'll have you both dead, that's if your friend over there even lives to the end of it."

" you should know that i don't take no as an answer."  he smirks, readjusting his hat the small bells jingle gently as he did so.

" so what's in it for me exactly?"

" anything," scara says making a gnosis appear out of thin air and rotating the intricate piece within his dainty fingers.

i ponder about his offer for a moment but it was most likely that the two of us would be killed or rather i'd die first then followed by kazuha.

but he said he wouldn't take no for an answer...what can you possibly do in this situation?

" y/n—" kazuha manages to choke out and i immediately snap towards the sound of his delicate voice. " don't duel."

" nobody asked you," scaramouche injects with an angered scowl. " would you rather the two of you just die now?"

" i'd prefer the option where you'd just shut up," i snap at him growing tired of the way he speaks to kazuha.

i take my sword out of it's sheathe, the metal making a grating noise as i did so. the white haired boy only watches you do something that he told you not to do. he supposes that's always how it's been with you.

the blade glints under the pale moonlight, the ex harbinger only laughs in utter madness. the gnosis dissipates into thin air as his eyes grow a deep dark purple.

my eyes are fixated on the glowing purple of my sword as electrifying noises and sparks reach my ears, the sound of current.

was i actually going through with this?
fighting some deranged lunatic of an ex-harbinger?

there's no turning back now.

within seconds i find myself pointing a blade at his throat but i hesitate. why?

my hands tremble uncontrollably, scaramouche only laughs wickedly. " ah right, you've never killed anyone before. as if you could ever dream of killing me."

kazuha bites his lip harshly, unable to scream anything at you or assist you in the fight. he really wish he could help but his injury says otherwise.

a pool of blood sits beside him, only making him nauseous as anxiety slowly builds up within him, this was the most stress he's felt in quite some time now and for once he couldn't pretend like everything was okay and act all calm about it.

when his eyes drift back over to the fight, he sees scaramouche practically on top of you, his hand growing purple as he points it at you.

" it's a shame really, you would've made a great pet. someone like you could've never bore me, unfortunate isn't it?"

the electro within his palm only grows brighter and stronger, the evil grin on his face becoming wider.

i tilt my head, reaching for the sword silently and to try not to alert scaramouche. " i hope in your next life you become some useless puppet."

oh the irony.

scaramouche let's out a shocked but tiny gasp as he looks to his leg which you had punctured. he grits his teeth in frustration, ready to kill you in no time now. that insult hurt more than the leg.

he hated pain tremendously, loathed it. why was pain being inflicted upon him?

" woah woah, what's going on here?"

scaramouche's face drops further as he recognises the source of the voice, the purple colour of his hand dying down.

i turn my head to see...childe?

the harbinger smiles, two fatui hydrogunners on either side of him. " i hope i'm not interrupting anything."

the purple haired man pulls the sword out of his leg by force, grimacing as he did so.

childe turns to the hydro gunner on his right to fetch a pair of handcuffs but as soon as he turns back around he finds scaramouche no longer in the position he was in before.

it's as if he had vanished into thin air because nobody could've gotten away that quickly. i don't even realise the ex-harbinger had disappeared, still focused on childe's random appearance.

the ginger gives the pair a serious look and they automatically split up ; running in opposite directions, probably looking for scara.

childe smiles one last time, " i'll be back." he walks away, searching in a different direction.

that's when it comes back to me, the realisation hits me harder than a brick and my eyes fixate on kazuha.

i immediately get up on my two feet running towards him, finding that he was already unconscious.

my whole body trembles as i pull him close, putting my ear to his chest as i hear a faint heartbeat. the heartbeat of someone who was going to die.

tears prick my eyes but i take action quickly, pushing my emotions aside. kazuha's life was the one at risk now and i couldn't let him die on me.

i sling the samurai on my back, struggling to walk at first but i found myself to be running to the nearest hospital.

" y/n we're closed—" baizhu warns but forgets about his words, taking kazuha from my back and taking him through the room at the back.

i follow him, yearning for any signs that kazuha was actually going to live but no clues of life remain.

qiqi runs to kazuha placing her hands over him, a glow emitting from her dainty palms.

" don't worry, it's going to be okay." she whispered in a hushed tone.

───── (•̀ᴗ•́)و─────

since the book is ending would you like me to write in this au again? if so with whom?

( also i pinky promise my future books will be much better )

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