Chapter 59

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After Aizawa had gone through the paperwork, and Hajime had filled in her contact details for Hawks, both her and Tokoyami were called in to assess their progress and expectations at the agency, but Hajime knew there was more to it. A hero could stop the work study whenever they saw fit, it was like being fired. They were simply going through initiations. Which meant questions and potential.

"I've interned with Hawks before, there's no need to be nervous, he's extremely laid back." Tokoyami tried to reassure, but that wasn't exactly what got Kokoro nervous. It was the obvious questions he'd ask her. Who are Dabi and Mr Compress? What is Shigaraki's motive? Where are they now? All questions she knew but couldn't tell. What if he knew she was lying?

"It's not that." Hajime replied, not wanting her classmate to think she was weak.

"In which case, what seems to be the furnacing your dilemmas?" He persisted, but Hajime already had an interrogation ahead of her, she didn't need another.

"It's personal." She dismissed.


"Heyo." Hawks landed besides them, he must've been waiting for them to show up. "I got back from patrol early so I decided to see how long it took you to show up." He explained. "Your 30 seconds behind time."

"It's still 9am, you didn't exactly specify the second." Kokoro reasoned.

"Hajime, you're as cynical as ever." Hawks wrapped his arm over her shoulder. "And Tokoyami, good to see you again." Now he was in between both students, his arms hanging around their necks.

"Is an honour to be at your service again Hawks." Tokoyami stated.

"Don't be so formal, we've met before. But we've had some improvements made to the building. Nothing big, just a few new rooms here and there. Nothing you guys won't be able to navigate. But I assume you already know everything about this place, being a mind reader and all." The hero leaned closer to Hajime as he strolled into what looked to be a room of office desks. "There's quite a few staff members here too, you'll get to know them in time, if you're good at catching villains, I might just assign you one of them, to monitor your schedule and paperwork."

"Indeed, we've never been taught how to respond during paperwork, I assume it's to be in our curriculum further in the year." Tokoyami explained to Hawks, who hummed in response.

"No biggie, I'll have one of my sidekicks run you through it." He smiled, calling over a hero at a desk. "Anyways, while my buddy here talks you through that, Hajime, we should talk."

She knew it would happen, but she was hoping to at least put on her hero suit before being interrogated. Everything around her told her it was going to go terribly. Hawks had a certain aura that just emanated with intensity, a man who Tokoyami described as laid back, was completely on edge around her.

"So, this is my office. Luckily, if you answer my questions, you won't be in here to often." He explained. "Didn't I sound just like a teacher there? Even though I'm not much older than you guys." He joked, but his act wasn't fooling the telepath.

"Sure, can we just get this over with?" She rolled her eyes.

'She can read my mind, so I suppose it's best to just be direct instead of beating around the bush. Assuming she answers at least one question honestly, then there's a chance I can pry more out of her next time. All of this depends on her cooperation, otherwise, I might all well be talking to a wall.' Hawks thought, he couldn't help but strategise, it was impossible to clear a mind that was always thinking of his next move.

"Just be direct, I already know what you're going to ask anyways." She pressured him, which he was completely fine with. But her calmness concerned him, in her interviews she was said to be hot-headed and rude, so what had changed?

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