Chapter 58

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It'd been a few days since Kokoro had fought Mirio, and they'd received a visit from a journalist, who the telepath resiliently avoided. She didn't like his plan to infiltrate the dorms just to find All Might's successor, she also didn't like that he thought she was one of the contenders in his list. So, she simply stayed in her room and carried on with her day as usual.

"Koko, cmon, everyone's making curry for tonight's meal, you've gotta help out." Mina pounded her fists on the telepaths door, she hated how it was always locked. But when Kokoro walked out, the girl was shocked. "You have your hair down!" She squealed, slightly amazed.


"You've never done that before, it's always braided of tossed up in a bun." She explained. "Let me guess, you're going on a date with Shinsou, that's why you decided to change it."

"We can't go on dates on school nights, curfews a bitch." Hajime combed her hand through her hair, brushing it out of her face.

'Did she just admit to dating Shinsou?' Instantly, Kokoro regretted opening the door. She wanted to keep that a secret, but apparently Mina had caught her off guard.

"No." She quickly replied.

"Yeah, you did!" The other cheered. "Oh my gosh! How long have you guys been a thing? Is he a good kisser? Wow! Who told who!? This is crazy!"

"You're hurting my head." Hajime deadpanned. "About a week, we've never really kissed, it's complicated." She answered the questions, regardless of the fast pace.

"It's complicated?"

"I read his mind, but he asked me how I felt." She answered. "Tell anyone and I'll have to reveal one of your secrets. An eye for an eye. Got it?" Hajime threatened. "Anyways, I know a good curry recipe."

With that, the two regrouped with the others and Hajime wrote down the recipe on a notepad stuck to the fridge. It was similar to the one used for camp, but this one was more detailed and would probably be better cooked.


After sitting down for a lovely meal, everyone gathered in the common room, each of them still had work studies on their mind, but Hajime had her doubts. Hawks only really wanted her there for intel, he didn't necessarily take her skills into account, which severely annoyed her. It was so belittling that all everyone saw in her was the teenage girl who got kidnapped by villains.

"I'm interning with Sir Nighteye." Midoriya announced, proud of himself.

"You found an agency for your work study, congratulations Deku, that's awesome." Uraraka replied first.

"Indeed, well done Midoriya." Iida shook his hand.

"Thanks guys."

"Thank you, you're an example to us all." Iida complimented.

"You're forgetting he was on house arrest a few days ago." Hajime chimed in, reminding Iida of his forgotten anger.

"I don't know how the rest of us are supposed to compete though."

"Yeah, you'll be working at Sir Nighteye's agency, that's seriously amazing."

"Pretty impressive man."

"Yeah, I guess." Midoriya shied away. 'Except, the only reason he took me on was to get me to give up one for all.' He thought.

"That's rough buddy."

"I wish I had an agency picked out, the school said Gunhead hasn't had enough interns so his agency is a no go." Ochako sighed.

"I know what you mean, I wanted to go back to mine but that happened too." Tsu added.

"Same with Fouth Kind, he doesn't even take students for work studies." Kirishima groaned.

"They sure aren't making it easy for us, are they?" Sero scoffed.

"Thanks to all these requirements, a ton of agencies are rule out right off the bat."

"Well, we'll be responsible for other peoples safety, so of course there's going to be a strict criteria. None of the pro's want to take any risks." Hajime explained.

"That's true, if something were to go wrong then-"

"Then the pro's will have to take responsibility for what happened. Only pros who are the real deal will take on rookies like you guys, knowing the risks involved." Aizawa joined the discussion. "Tokoyami, Hajime, looks like you two have got an offer from one of them. Hawk's has invited you to work for him in Kyushu."

"Dude he's the number 3 hero!"

"So cool!" Everyone marvelled.

"Well, what do you say?" Aizawa persisted.

"I respectfully accept." Tokoyami nodded his head.

"Same here." Hajime agreed.

"All right then, I'll make sure you get the relevant paperwork later. Just let me know when you're expected in Kyushu so I can sign off on your absences." The teacher requested. "And Hajime, since you've got your license now, your curfew will be modified, 9pm. No later. Understood?"

"Aye captain."

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