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I could feel my shirt getting drenched in sweat.  A pregnant silence filled the space after Hara let those words out of her mouth. I felt words getting stuck in my throat.

I was a fucking idiot for leaving my meds in the bathroom cabinets. She wasn't supposed to find out. Not yet at least.

"What are these for? I'm not aware of any pregnant woman living with you?"

She held out those meds towards me. I didn't have the courage to face her. My mind was constantly working on excuses.

Those are for the neighbours.

You don't have any pregnant woman as your neighbour.

Damn it.

"Oh, those are the wrong ones actually. I ordered some meds for headache and cold. I think they got mixed up.."

I wished her to buy it. I really hoped. Other than that I had no solid excuse left.

"And you took some of these without even checking it properly? Exactly what kind of idiot are you, Tata?"

Thank God.

I tried to execute a relaxed demeanor, pretending as if I was never stressed in the first place. As normal as I could be.

"Hey! I'm not idiot! Not my fault. I didn't know it, okay?"

Not true. I was very much aware of some basic type of meds and this was one of them. However, Hara didn't have to know that.

"Aigoo, looks like I've to teach my idiotic brother again"

She pretended to look disappointed while shaking her head. I looked at her with my lips pressed to each other as if I was done talking to her. I wasn't in mood to take any of her shits right now.

"Whatever. Now that you're here. Be useful and give me some food"

I spat and she scoffed.

"You can cook for yourself brat"

I guess my whining after that worked as I saw her entering into the kitchen well, not before rolling her eyes at me.

"Don't spit on my food!"

She finally entered into my kitchen.

While Hara was cooking dinner for us, I was continuously thinking about the future. Now that she was here, I needed to be more careful.

About finding Jungkook, the first step was to get his contact information from University register. And that was the first thing I was determined to do the next day I attend University.

"Eat the veggies brat. No desert for you otherwise"

I rolled my eyes at that. I wasn't a kid for fuck's sake. She couldn't force me to eat whatever I did not like.

"What the fu-"

"Language Tata"

"I'm 20 Hara! That's so unfair!"

"Life is unfair"


I was definitely going to get my icecream after dinner. With or without Hara's consent. No fuck be given at that.

"You know Tata, at first I thought you've a secret girlfriend orrr you maybe knocked up some girl-"

Less to be said. I chocked on the chicken soup and continued coughing. She quickly passed me the water but had a large grin plastered on her face.

"Chill Tata, then I remembered your gay ass couldn't do that so I let that slide"

With that being said, she started laughing. I looked at her with a 'wtf' face but did she care? Hell no.

Child Of Stardust || TAEKOOK ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن