3. Connection

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Someone knocked on the door of Alpha at 3 am...

TY: Umm... THARN get up and see who is there ...

TH: Hmmm...baby please open the door na... Alpha ignored coz he is tired to even open his eyes...

TY: I am not wearing any clothes if you don't get up I will go like this to open the door...

TH: Baby... THARN whined but he got up to open the door.. the strongest Alpha is just wearing shorts and he didn't bother to cover himself coz he knows what he has inside his underwear is worth showing....THARN open the door and didn't see anyone... He took a long yawn and said... Baby no one is here...

TY: look down Alpha...The people who can come here at this time are sure of not your height.... While saying this Type took his nightgown and started wearing it....

TH: Looked down and saw a very tiny pup sleeping beside the door... He is so tiny that anyone can miss seeing him and it's dark outside too.... Alpha immediately get down on his knees and took the pup from the floor... Aww, my love why are you sleeping here like this...

Type: Rubbed his eyes and said Dada baby Tee got sacled...

TH: you mean you got scared...

Type: Shame...

TH: you mean the same.... Aahhh you will be the death of me one day baby... How can someone be so cute...

Type: Giggle... Dada Baby Type wanna shleep here....

TH: Looked at Luna with innocent eyes and said... Baby, please let him sleep here na... Look at him he looks so sleepy and scared ...

TY: As if I will say no and you will listen to me... Why don't you make a bed for Tee here only...

TH: Really?? The shine on Alpha's eyes can tell the amount of happiness he felt after hearing this but his smile vanished when he saw Luna's face and understood his sarcastic comment... If you allow me I will make a bed here or I will make him sleep with us on the bed but you are not letting my tiny miny sleep with us...

TY: You have to think all this at the time of your other 50 kids too Alpha... At their time, right after one month, you made them sleep in another room...

TH: Yeah baby coz they are not a human kid who needs their momma's attention for 1 year.. They are pups they grow faster than a human child, they started walking in one month, and if they need anything they can growl too to call their momma...

TY: Yeah same goes for your baby Type too... He can also do all this... But instead of growling your baby Type comes at our door every night and asks to sleep with us and you being a crazy father let him sleep with us every day.... Tell me Alpha what is the use of adding an extra bed in the kid's room when he has to come here every day... And why you are discriminating....

MY BEAUTIFUL OMEGA 2 (Sequence)Where stories live. Discover now