Two. Meet the Pogues

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two. meet the pogues


"YOU ready, angel?"

To be quite honest, Alaska Moore was more than ready— she had been for a while now. For the past five years, she'd been burdened by the person that is Rafe Cameron, constantly hot on her tail, trying to win her over with some superficial shit that would attract nobody. It never erased the truth about him. The fact he was a drug addict and an alcoholic. The fact he treated everyone around him like garbage, including his own sister, Sarah.

Operation Fake Dating had been set in full motion. After their little agreement, Alaska and JJ exchanged phone numbers and began their little plan. Their first mission was to announce to the island that they were now a couple. And what better way to do that than to drive through the streets on his motorcycle right?

The blue-eyed pogue extended a helmet to the girl as he sat comfortably on his motorcycle, waiting for the brunette to take it from his grasp.

"Ready as I'll ever be," She sighed with a cheeky glint in her eyes as she grabbed the helmet and put it over her head, lifting her leg to sit behind JJ. She shifted her body to sit closer to the boy, until her entire chest was touching his whole back and then locked her arms around his waist.

What she didn't know was that JJ's heart was pounding like crazy.

"Figure Eight, here we come!" He yelled out, the bike roaring to life as their flew onto the streets. Alaska whooped from behind him as they began to invade the Kook's side of the island. The wind blew in their faces making her giggle and hold onto JJ tighter, a small smile making its way to his face.

Soon enough, they were passing through Alaska's fellow kooks, who stared at the pogue with confusion, clearly curious as to who the girl in expensive clothing sitting behind him was. They couldn't tell from the helmet. They also spotted Sarah Cameron walking with her little sister, throwing them a subtle wink as they zoomed by.

Topper, Rafe and Kelce were also found on one of the sidewalks, their eyes immediately drifting to the couple on the motorcycle in surprise as Alaska rose a middle finger to the three boys. She could hear them call out her name in shock as turned back to JJ.

Alaska wanted her parents to watch the show, but she knew hearing the gossip across the island would definitely throw them off more.

After a few more minutes of driving around, JJ turned to Alaska, "You want to meet the Pogues, angel?"

Alaska's eyes widened in surprise at his offer, making him smile. "Yes!"

At first, Alaska was worried the Pogues may not be so inclined to talk to her, other than Kiara, who she'd been on good terms with despite their falling out with Sarah Cameron— which no one dared to talk about.

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