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Sunoo exhaled deeply as he removed his earpiece and heard nothing but the eery silence of the once loud house.

He missed having childish fight with his siblings over small things. Eversince Ni-ki's heartbreak and Heeseung getting caught by Jake beating up Sunghoon at a random street near the school, things inside their house changed as well.

Sunoo couldn't blame them, though.

He sighed as he stared down at his laptop, his eyes lingering at the wallpaper. It's their family picture from Halloween last year and Ni-ki was dressed as Harley Quinn. The red lipstick was sm-

Right! The owner of that red lipstick!

He quickly turned his laptop off and put it inside a bag. He only took his phone and wallet with him before he leave the house, hoping to meet the stranger somewhere in the flowershop or the church...or wherever.


“What’s your name?”

Jay almost dropped the drinks on his laptop when someone suddenly speaks from behind him. He put the beverage down and looked up, finding Sunoo standing right next to him.

“I’m sorry,” Sunoo apologizes as he put his laptop bag down on the table.

“Can I sit here? There's a lot of empty tables but let's share,” Sunoo said, already pulling a chair to sit with. “It's boring to be alone.”

Jay looked around the small café. There were indeed a lot of free tables around them.

“I don't mind,” Jay says, shrugging his shoulder.

He looked back down on his laptop as he started typing down again.

Sunoo was right. It was boring to be alone. Jay have been busying himself lately with paper works as a start of his training in claiming their family business after his graduation in the next two months.

Seeing Sunoo here in the café after a week is one great coincidence.

Silence surrounds them as Sunoo took his own laptop out of its bag to start his assessment due next monday. However, the silence didn't last long when Sunoo remembered that he still didn't know the name of the stranger in front of him.

“So, what is your name?” Sunoo speaks, staring at Jay.

After all those days they spent together, the roses they placed on the altar and the very coincidence of meeting him here, he is still a stranger to Sunoo.

Jay raised his eyebrow as he look at Sunoo for a brief second, “Why are you interested?”

Sunoo pursed his lips, he continued staring at the person in front of him- demanding an answer. Until Jay finally looked back at him and sighed.

“Fine,” Jay speaks, “I’m Jay, Park Jongseong.”

Jay caught the satisfied smile drawing over Sunoo's lips before he looked back down on his laptop and started working on his papers again. Jay looked down as well after he felt the burning sensation in his cheeks.

Why is he blushing?

“I was bored alone in the house. It was a great coincidence to meet you here, I finally have someone to talk to,” Sunoo speaks after a while.

“Where are your siblings?” Jay asked.

"Ni-ki and Jake-hyung went out to look for a university nearby where Ni-ki can transfer and Heeseung-hyung's currently locked up inside his room,” Sunoo answered.

Jay nodded, "Why?"

“Heeseung-hyung is still feeling guilty about what he did to Ni-ki's crush. He hit a student, although it's outside the school vicinity, Sunghoon is still a student and he's an assistant professor,” Sunoo continued speaking.

🥀Red Roses •sunjay•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora