🇨​​​​​🇭​​​​​🇦​​​​​🇵​​​​​🇹​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇷​​​​​ 3

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♡🇹​​​​​🇭​​​​​🇪​​​​​ 🇵​​​​​🇦​​​​​🇸​​​​​🇹​​​​​♡

"What the hell happened Louis" Y/N asked the man. Louis said nothing and just stood up and walk away telling one of his maids to continue to aid her. Y/N was confused but didn't say anything, all she could remember was asking Louis for a break then hearing a scream then everything turing black.

The only information Y/N got from Louis was that she was knocked out for two days.

"Sorry miss but Louis doesn't want me to let you out of the bed, he wants you to stay" The maid told the girl but to her avail Y/N didn't listen and got out of the bed. She walked passed the maid and walked downstairs to see Louis talking to his sister Ryan.

"Oh look who's awake" Ryan said with a creepy smile on her face. Louis turned around and saw Y/N and walked towards her with worry written all over his face.

"I told that damn maid to make you stay in the room" Louis said holding on to Y/N's face he let out a chuckle, he knew that even he himself couldn't make Y/N listen to him....or could he?

Y/N slapped his hands off her face startling Louis and making Ryan let out a giggle. Y/N gave him a serious look which Ryan knew that it was time for her to leave, so she walked upstairs so Y/N and Louis could talk alone.  "Louis tell me what happened and I swear if you walk away from me again we will be fighting" Y/N threaten.

This was the one thing Louis loved about Y/N he loved how one moment she could be awkward and the next she could be threatening people.

"Fine I didn't want to worry you but yesterday Hailey and You fainted and you were the only one that woke up Hailey hasn't woken up since" He told Y/N. She looked at him with worry which he told her that Hailey was okay and was in the guest room right next to his and her room.

Y/N didn't say anything and immediately went upstairs to see Hailey. She busted on the room scary the maid and Ryan both looking at Hailey's unconscious body. She walked over to Hailey and started to examine her face and body.

It looked like Hailey wasn't breathing or that something else happened to her then her just randomly fainting. She noticed some of her hair looked like it was pulled out and that she had bruises on her arms and legs. Y/N said nothing but looked at Ryan.

"What happened to her" Y/N asked plain and simple.

"I don't know when I walked out to greet you and the next thing I knew your friend was on the ground and you were on the ground" Ryan said shrugging her shoulder. She walked over to Y/N and put her hand on the girls shoulder. "Look Y/N I think that Hailey probably hasn't been drinking enough water or something and just fainted from dehydration"

Y/N gave Ryan a side eye and shook off Ryan's hold on her. "Why did you call the ambulance this is obviously not from dehydration she obviously would've woken up by now" Y/N asked.

Ryan didn't answer and just walked away from Y/N leaving her alone.

"Louis I think it's time to take action now before it's too late Y/N is gonna leave with Hailey and  you probably won't see her again and all your work and gonna go to waste" Ryan told Louis who was now in the kitchen drinking some water.

"I can't rush it if I do she'll be scared of me and then this whole thing won't even work out now would it" Louis asked Ryan. Ryan shrugged and rolled her eyes saying that if it doesn't work he owes her 100 dollars before walking away.

Back with Y/N she was now looking for her phone to call 911. She knew something wasn't right with Hailey, she had a bad feeling in her gut. While looking for her phone she didn't hear the bedroom door open and close.

"Y/N what are you doing"

Y/N turned around to see Louis with something in his hand. She turned back around ignoring as he asked again. Y/N didn't care what he had to say or what he would do, the only thing on her mind was getting her and Hailey out of her and going to the hospital.

"Y/N I'm not gonna ask you again, what are you doing didn't Ryan tell you that Hailey was sleeping" Louis said a little bit louder making Y/N turned around annoyed.

"I'm taking me and Hailey to the hospital obviously something is wrong with us if we just fainted out of the blue" She told him, Y/N was getting frustrated by the second. She turned around with her back facing him continuing to look for her phone when she suddenly felt Louis covering her mouth with a cloth.

"Sorry Baby I can't let you do that"

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It's been Two years since Y/N got kidnapped. All she could remember from that day was that she woke up next to Louis with a ring on her finger and him saying that they got married. It wasn't long before Y/N found that Hailey was actually killed and that they placed her body on the bed to make it look like she was sleeping.

Y/N also found out that Louis actually has been stalking her before they even met and his bitch sister found her location so they "meet by accident". She learnt quickly that she couldn't do anything she wanted without Louis or Ryan having to be right by her. Y/N couldn't trust anyone in the house and was all by herself.

Louis was even more protective and abusive than he was when they were both in a relationship. Now Louis make sures that Y/N is always by him 24/7 and if she tries to walk away she'll get an extreme punishment. Louis had Y/N all for himself and didn't let anyone touch her.

When Y/N couldn't walk or stand up he would do everything for her like bath her, brush her teeth, change her, feed her etc. He treated Y/N like a pet he had rules for her that she had to follow and made her wear a collar when they went outside the house so people could know who she belonged too.

"Y/N wake up it's time for breakfast"

Y/N opened her eyes to see Louis standing there with some new clothes for her to wear. She got up and waited for Louis to change her but when he didn't she looked at him confused.

"Y/N you have to get dressed by yourself I have to go to a meeting I just wanted to wake you up so you won't worry about me" He gave Y/N the Clothes and walked over to his night stand to grab something.

Once Y/N was done he walked over to her and gave her a paper. "Y/N don't even try to do that escape thing you tried last week I have Ryan watching you and here is the rules just in case you forgot" He said giving Y/N a kiss on her forehead and walking away.

Y/N looked at the paper so see that Louis added some new rules.

See the first week Y/N was stuck with Louis he have her list of rules she had to follow or she would get punished. Y/N wouldn't find out what that meant until she tries to ask Ryan for help.

See the rules were:

1. Be obedient
2. Never say No
3. Don't be disrespectful to Ryan
4. Tell me if there is something wrong
5. Don't try to escape
6. Always change your cloth three times a day
7. When we go out stay by me at all times
8. Don't talk to anyone besides me
9. Don't take off you collar unless I tell you too
10. Love yourself

Y/N found rule 2 and rule 10 dumb but didn't say anything about it knowing she would probably get punished. Y/N put the paper down and continued to get ready for the day.

All Y/N Could do was hope that someone would save her from this hell.

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A/N: sorry if this is going to fast

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