🇨​​​​​🇭​​​​​🇦​​​​​🇵​​​​​🇹​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇷​​​​​ 12

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Y/N was laying in bed trying her hardest not to move any parts of her body. The medicine that Louis had given the maids didn't work like she wanted them too and now she was in the most horrible pain she could imagine.

"Good more Y/N" Louis said walking into the bedroom and helping Y/N sit up. Hearing her groans and moans brung a smile to his face. He knew that Y/N learnt her lesson and that she would never disobey him again.

Louis picked her up then takes her to the bathroom to help her brush her teeth and get ready for the day.

After he was done he took her back to the bedroom then placed her down softly on the bed. Louis asked her if she wanted the TV on which she replied with a simple nod. Once Louis turned the TV he told Y/N that he had some business to take care of and left Y/N.

As soon as Louis left the room Y/N took out her laptop and logged in to text Milo.

[Your username]: Milo?

BambiKilla69: Y/N I have something to tell you

This made Y/N nervous she was scared that Louis probably found out and had Milo in his hands ready to kill him.

[Your username]: What is it?

BambiKilla69: Yesterday I met up with ur maid and we started to plan ways to take out Louis but we need your help

Y/N raised an eyebrow but continued to type.

[Your username]: You met up with Kaira?

BambiKilla69: Yes her (I honestly forgot her name)

[Your username]: Okay then tell me the plan

For the next twenty minutes Milo would tell Y/N the plan and what she had to do in order for her to escape Louis but honestly Y/N was scared and nervous while Milo was typing.

Not because Louis could walk in, it was because she didn't know if she honestly wanted to leave. She started to feel like all the mean words Louis said about how no one is looking for her and that no one cares about her were getting into her head.

She started to think that Louis probably did Love her and just wanted her to listen to him....

Y/N thinking was cut when the door to the bedroom opened to show Kaira standing there holding a tray that had breakfast food on it. Kaira have Y/N a small smile then made her way over to the women.

Kaira set the tray down then sat next to Y/N telling her to eat.

"I'm not hungry and even if I was I wouldn't be able to eat it, my body hurts it literally hurts to swallow my own spit" Y/N says quickly.

Kaira puts her hand on Y/N thigh softly not to hurt her.

"Did Milo tell you about our plan" Kaira asks which makes Y/N reply with a simple nod.

"Okay good, I know it may sound much but if he didn't tell you plan B then I'll tell you, if Plan A doesn't work then-"

Kaira gets closer to Y/N ear to whisper

"We will kill Louis and probably Ryan"

Y/N eyes widen, she was confused why would they need to kill Louis when they could just run away and go to the police.

"Why do we have to kill him when we can just run away" Y/N asks Kaira with a raspy voice.

But before Kaira could open her mouth the bedroom door opens to show Ryan standing there with her arms crossed. Both Kaira and Y/N's heart dropped at the site of Ryan they didn't know if she heard everything or not.

"Kaira Louis needs to see you" Ryan says while watching Kaira stand up and walk away.

After Kaira left Ryan walks into the room and closes the door. Then walks over to Y/N who was going to have a painc attack. Y/N said nothing as Ryan sits down in front of her and starts to eat her food.

"Look Y/N whatever your trying to do isn't gonna work, and even if it does what are you gonna do huh? Run away to what family? Didn't Louis tell you?" Ryan says with a smirk on her face.

Ryan leans in a little closer

"Louis killed your whole family the day he killed your raggedy friend Hailey....so this escape plan you are trying to do isn't going to work so I suggest you stop before I tell Louis" Ryan said before grabbing the rest of Y/N's food then walking to the door.

Before she left she gave Y/N and glare and said "you don't deserve to eat" then slams the door hard making Y/N jump a little.

Y/N heart was pounding, she places a hand on her chest and starts to breathe in and out.

The door opens again this time to show Louis holding a small F/C box in his hands.

"Hey baby, I got you something" He says while making his way over to her. He sits on the bed and hands her the box then tells her to open it.

Y/N looks at him with suspension then opens the box to see a F/C heart necklace that had her and his initials inside the heart. Y/N couldn't help but smile which made Louis smile.

He lend in and gave her a hug while kissing her on the head.

"I love you baby you know that, just because I give you punishment's doesn't mean my love for you goes away" Louis said softly while holding Y/N head close to his chest.

Y/N didn't know why but she started to nod her head to his words like she understood what he was saying and accepted it.

"And you know I would be really hurt if you left me, so if you could please be a good girl and stay with me forever then you would make me that happiest man in the world and don't you wanna make me happy" He asks making Y/N say yes quickly.

"Good now do you wanna watch a movie together"


Louis smiles and hugs Y/N again before leaving to get the popcorn.

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