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Three months later
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Y/N and Louis have been great together, ever since they've meet online and at the mall Y/N felt like she actually meet someone she actually liked. She felt like she could talk to him about anything, if she felt uncomfortable he understood, if she wanted something he would get it for her instantly.

But the was only for the first two months they were together. Y/N felt like Louis was becoming over overprotective and treated her like a child. Everytime Y/N wanted to go out he was say things like "They will just let you get hurt" or "don't talk to strangers and text me when you get to your location".

When Louis first started this Y/N thought he was just being those boyfriends that worry a lot or overthink a lot but then he started to do it everytime and it was getting on her nerves.

Y/N was now laying in bed with Louis laying right beside her sound asleep.

She was thinking if she should confront him about it or just keep quite. She couldn't let Louis keep doing something that made her uncomfortable but then again she didn't want to ruin their relationship. Y/N got up and looked for her phone only to see that it was on Louis's side of the bed on his small stand.

Y/N tried to shake Louis to wake him up but to her hopes it didn't work. She sighed knowing she had to get out of the bed, she got up and made her over to the table. Once shot got her phone she realized that someone was on her phone and deleted half her contacts.

Y/N knew exactly who this was, she wanted to fight him but kept calm and just started to get dressed. After she was finished she grabbed the rest of her belongings and left his house.

Y/N was now at a cafe with her friend Hailey sitting across from her who was listing to her complain about Louis for the hundredth time. Hailey hasn't gotten to know Louis since everytime she would try to talk to him he would walk away or just ignore her so Hailey knew that whatever Y/N came to complain about was probably true.

"I mean Hailey he literally deleted all my damn contacts the only people I have are you, my parents and him" Y/N said while passing her phone to Hailey.

Hailey took a look and her eyes grew wide. "Y/N honestly you should break up with him and if you don't want to do that then you should confront him about this" Hailey told her friend.

Y/N really didn't want to break up with Louis or at least face to face. She sighed "Hailey I don't know if I still wanna be with him like I mean he is nice and all but he is just to protective".

Hailey grabbed Y/N's hand and smiled softly and told her that if didn't fell comfortable confronting Louis alone then she would go with her.

Which they ended up doing.

The two girls were standing in front of Louis house with Hailey trying to make sure Y/N was ready.

"Damn he got a big house, Y/N you sure you wanna break up with him" Hailey asked making Y/N roll her eyes playfully, Y/N knocked on the door, which one of Louis maids opened it instantly.

"Wow it was like he already knew you were here" Hailey joked before walking in. Once they walked in the maid told the two girls to wait in the living and that Louis will be with them in a few.

Hailey looked over to see Y/N sweating nervously, she grabbed Y/N's hand and gave her a smile telling her not to worry and that she is right here if anything happens. After some time Louis finally came and was now sitting in front of Y/N and Hailey.

"Didn't expect to see you here after you left" Louis said ignoring the harsh glare Hailey was sending him. Y/N sighed and looked down at her knees.

"Louis why did you delete all my contacts?" Y/N asked straight forward. Louis looked at her then farrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Baby I didn't delete your contacts out of your phone I didn't even have your phone last night"

Both Y/N and Hailey looked at him suspiciously. Y/N then asked him why her phone on his side and on his table unlocked. Louis stood up and walked over to Y/N getting on one knee.

"Y/N I would never go and look into your personal information I swear" He said. Louis was lying through his teeth and he knew it.

"Louis I think we need a break" Y/N said straight forward not even giving Louis a glance or even a peak. She stood up and walked out to the bathroom as fast as she could.

Louis smile dropped the second Y/N let those horrible words come out of her mouth. He looked at Hailey with angry all over his face "this was your idea wasn't it" he said quietly to Hailey.

Hailey stood up "Louis you did this to yourself don't try and make it my fault" Before Hailey could get up and walk away Louis grabbed her by her hair and threw her down to the ground making Hailey let out a loud scream.

Louis put his hands over Hailey's mouth "You dumb bitch I knew you would try something like this....try to break me and Y/N up" Before Hailey could say anything she was stabbed in the shoulder with a syringe. Hailey got out of Louis gripped and turned around to see a women with black hair holding a syringe.

"Oh my gosh what happened to Hailey" Y/N yelled running towards her unconscious friend. Louis looked at Y/N and put on a worried face.

"I don't know she was going to go to the bathroom to grab you but just fainted on the ground" He said watching as Y/N kept trying the wake Hailey up.

Y/N didn't even notice Ryan walking behind her with a syringe.

The next thing Y/N knew is she was in Louis's bed with no memory of what happened.

"Good morning baby"

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