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After a long day at work, you came home to a trail of rose petals that lead into the living room.

Austin had 'The Notebook' cued up on the TV, a big bouquet of roses sitting on the coffee table, two glasses with a bottle of wine, a big heart shaped pizza, and chocolate covered strawberries & cookies waiting for you.

"Awe, babe, what's all this?" you ask him.

"I knew you'd be tired after a long day, and wouldn't want to go out or do anything fancy, so I figured we can just have a lowkey, chill night. The pizza just got here so it's nice and fresh, we can eat and watch our favorite movie." he says.

"This is so sweet, and so perfect. Thank you, Aus."

"Of course, babe. Oh, and of course, I had to get you a gift."

"No, baby, you didn't have too."

"Babe, you know I will always get you something. Here." Austin says handing you a gift bag.

You open it up and there's a brand new silky pajama set in your favorite color, new lingerie, chocolates, and sparkly new pair of diamond earrings straight from Tiffany's.

"Aus, this is so nice. You really didn't have too."

"I had too. I love you so much. Go put on your new PJ's and we'll get comfy on the couch."

"I love you too. I'll be right back."

You headed upstairs to put on your new PJ's & came downstairs with Austin's gift in hand.

"Y/n, c'mon. You know I tell you not to get me anything." Austin says as he sees you with a gift.

"Hey, just like you had to for me, I had to for you, because I love you so much. It's not as much as you got me but-

You sit down next to him & hand him a little box. He opens it to a new leather wallet with his initials engraved into it.

"Babe, this so perfect. I need a new wallet. Thank you." he gives you a kiss.

"You're very welcome, Aus. I knew you needed a new one so of course I had to get you one. Look inside of it."

Austin opens the wallet to find a gift card for Carhart, one of his favorite stores & a steamy mini polaroid of yourself that you took just got him.

"How did you know I like Carhart?" he says with a sarcastic tone. "Oh, baby. This is definitely staying in here." he says looking at the picture. "You took this just for me? When?"

"When you were in the shower the other day." you giggle.

"You sneaky little wicked woman. I love you."

"I love you too. Can we eat? I'm starving."

"Yes, let's, before the pizza gets too cold."

You both get comfy cozy on the couch and enjoy the pizza and wine Austin had got for the both of you.

You've gotten through most of the movie when you hear Austin sniffling.

"Aus, are you crying?" you ask him.

"No. Just allergies, babe."

"Yeah, okay." you say sarcastically, not believing him.

By the time the movie is done, you had fallen asleep in Austin's arms.

He carefully moves you off of him, turns everything off for the night, then carefully picks you up & carries you upstairs to bed.

Austin lays you down, you wake up a little bit & in a very sleepy way you say "I love you, Austie. Thank you."

"You're welcome, darlin. I love you too."


Austin Butler One Shots (Smut Included) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ