Stay with Me

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I wish he was the same as he is in my dreams
The look in his eyes, there was absolutely no deny, you couldn't even lie to the skies
He'd look to me with curiosity, carefulness, and love
I meet him every night, feeling like seconds to me
Flying across my mind with him by my side

"Stay with me."

I beg to hand his words back to him
He loves to break my heart, over and over again
Love me as you did when we were kids, true and kind

Awake, he loves to hurt me, not by his hands but by his cruel heart
Refusing to look me in my eyes
Turning a cold blue shoulder to me
Forgetting all the things we once were

Stay with me, don't go...

Give me the a twisted piece of your affection
The very least I ask is to never forget me
Don't loathe me, even if you don't love me

I'll sleep forever if it is him waiting for me in my dreams
I'll reside by him if I have to
I'll walk away forever if it means I can walk with his memory untainted
I'll die happily if he lays me down gently, even if I was slain by him

Don't forget me. Stay with me.



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