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"What!? He's getting married!?"

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"What!? He's getting married!?"

"Shh!" Ada giggled. "Yeah, Tommy said it's for business, but we can't let John know. He's not gonna be very happy about it."

"You don't fucking say." Matilda laughed, picking her whiskey up and taking it down in one. "When is it?"

"June 26th, 2 months away yet. I don't know if I'll be able to keep it from him for 2 months." Matilda raised her eyes brows at Ada's words.

"Well you better not say nothing or you'll have Tommy to deal with." She smirked.

"Matilda!" Matilda turned her head towards the voice, standing up when Harry waved her over to the bar.


"My shifts about to end, you okay to start now?" Harry took his apron off and hung it up.

"Yeah, of course. Ada! I'm starting, come sit over here!" Matilda shouted, walking behind the bar and putting her little apron on, wrapping it around her beige dress.

"You want a drink?" Matilda ask, turning to Ada who'd just sat down infront of the bar.

"Yeah, lemonade please." She smiled.

As Matilda poured Ada's drink, the doors to the Garrison opened, Arthur and John walking through.

"Ahh, here comes trouble." Matilda smirked up at the boys.

"My favourite girls!" Arthur lent over the bar, kissing Matilda's head, then doing the same to Ada.

"What can I get you boys?"

"Two whiskeys, love."  John nodded throwing a couple coins on the counter, but Matilda shook her head, pushing them back.

"You know you lot get it on the house." John rolled his eyes at her words making her smile. She knew he'd be a good husband to the woman he was soon to marry, even if he had no idea it was to happen.

Matilda did feel bad that everyone was lying to him, she knew if she was set up to be married she would go fucking mental, and everyone knew John wasn't going to be happy either.

She placed the two whiskeys on the bar for the boys and continued to work as the siblings had conversation between them.

At some point Tommy and Pol walked in together, Finn by their side. Matilda was worried for Finn, she'd noticed he'd been getting more involved in the business, and helping them out.

Of course he never intentionally got told to do anything dangerous, but he'd be a messenger for Tommy and the boys, which was bad enough in her eyes.

"Have you heard?" Pol asked lowly, leaning against the bar, cigarette between her lips.

"What? About," Matilda subtly nodded towards John who was still in deep conversation.

"Yeah. What do you think about it?"

"I don't have much of a say, Pol, i understand why Tommy had done it, but I'm worried how he'll react." She shrugged, pulling a pint for the man infront of her.

"I just hope he knows what he's doing." Polly sighed.


"Oi! You alright love!" Matilda sighed at the men that were sat at the table in the corner. They'd been shouting things to her and whistling at them for about 15 minutes, and it was beginning to drive her insane.

She took a deep breath and carried on with work, ignoring the men. "She looks like she'd be a dirty whore, proper slut."

Matilda turned to the men, walking from behind the men and about 5 feet from their table "Get out."

"You're a bar maid, you can't tell us what to do." Once of the men smirked, making Matilda's anger bubble.

"I said get the fuck out. NOW!" She shouted.

The man stood, sizing Matilda up. "Who the fuck do you think you're-"

"She said get the fuck out." Everyone turned their heads to the three peaky boys stood in the door of the private room.

"Get out before I blind ya, fuck off!" Tommy shouted as the men ran out the pub doors.

"You alright?" Tommy asked, walking to the bar where Matilda was stood once again. She nodded, pouring herself a glass of water and sipping some of it. "You can have the shift off, I'll walk you home."

"Tommy I have another hour, I'll be fine." Tilly shook her head, cleaning the glass she had just drank from. "No, come on, Shelbys orders."

Matilda shook her head at the man with a smile, taking off her apron and hanging it up.

"John, make sure the place is locked up after these men finish their drinks." Tommy shouted, the men sat down nodded their head at him before turning away again.

"Alright, Tom." John shouted back.

The pair left the pub and stepped into the dark streets of Small Heath. It was getting warmer, but night air still had its chilly breeze.

"Thanks for walking me home, Tom." Matilda smiled up at the man, his piercing blue eyes starting right back at her.

"Anything for you, love."

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