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It was almost 6pm, Matilda had been and spoke to Harry earlier that day about the job, and they had agreed for her to start that evening

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It was almost 6pm, Matilda had been and spoke to Harry earlier that day about the job, and they had agreed for her to start that evening.

The girl quickly checked herself over in the mirror before rushing to the door, not wanting to be late for her first shift.

Luckily she made it, pushing open the doors and allowing her eyes to wonder over the familiar scene. It was actually a bit busy for a normal Thursday, so she wasted no time, going behind the bar and greeting Harry.

"You alright, love?" The man asked the new barmaid.

"Yeah, surprisingly still feel like shit from last night. Hangovers never last this long for me." Matilda sighed, pouring a beer for the man stood infront of her.

Her head turned to the side as the small window to the private room opened. She smiled as her brown eyes met blue, walking over to him.

"What can I get you, Mr Shelby?" The woman asked with a smile, leaning on the wooden ledge.

"A bottle of Irish whiskey and 3 glasses please, Miss Mitchell," Tommy replied, a slight smile curving his lips.

Matilda nodded, walking away and grabbing what he wanted, laughing as she heard Arthur's voice shout. "Is she 'ere!?"

The door to the room opened as she placed the glasses and bottle down for Tommy, smiling as Arthur came to the bar.

"Didn't know you worked 'ere now!"

"Yeah, started today. Need the money." She smiled at the man who nodded back at her. "You know Finn's been asking for you all-"

Arthur's sentence is cut off as the door opens, and Polly walks in, Finn by her side. "Oh look who it is, the birthday boy!" Matilda gasps, coming from behind the bar to hug the newly 11 year old boy.

"Tilly!" Finn gasped, hugging Matilda back. "I didn't know you'd be here!"

"Surprise for the both of us." Polly chuckled. "You alright, Pol?" Matilda smiled, going back behind the bar to continue work.

"Yeah I'm good, love. How've you been?"

"Okay," Matilda grinned, not mentioning her new found feelings for the woman's nephew. "I haven't seen you in forever." Polly rolled her eyes with a smirk, knowing full well Matilda wasn't telling her the full truth just by the smile on her face, but she wouldn't push it. "I know, I've been busy with business."

The two women stood and spoke for a couple more minutes before Pol wondered into the private room, leaving Matilda to carry on with her work.


The night quickly ended, and before she knew it, Matilda was making her way out of the Garrison after saying goodnight to Harry and the Shelby's that were still in their private room.

Matilda sighed as she breathed in the cold night air, lighting a cigarette for her walk back. "Tilly."

"Fuck!" The woman jumped, spinning round and placing her hand on her chest as she stared up at the blue eyed beauty.

"You can't fucking do that to me, Tommy, I didn't even hear you walking behind me!" Tommy chuckled at the sight of Matilda, "I'm a sneaky man, you should know this by now."

Matilda rolled her eyes and turned away to hide her smile, continuing her walk, silently expecting Tommy to just follow her anyway.

"Why'd you come?" Matilda softly asks, breaking the silence they were walking in. "Couldn't let ya walk home by yourself now, could I?" He smiled down at the girl next to him, making a rosy pink paint her cheeks.

Soon enough they were infront of Matilda's door. She turned to Thomas and looked up at his eyes that somehow, we're still bright even while they stood in a streetlight lit road. "Do you wanna come in, Thomas?"

"After you, Matilda."

The pair walked into the home, Matilda shut and locked her door behind her, following Tommy into her living room.

Tommy turned her radio on, and a song began to play quietly. It was peaceful, and the pair felt calm in eachothers presence. "May I have this dance?" Tommy asked the beautiful woman stood infront of him.

"You may." Matilda smiled at Tommy as their bodies swayed in rhythm to eachother, holding eachother close. "I want to ask you something," Tommy began, his voice soft, "you still like horses, don't you?"

"I do." Matilda nodded against Tommy's chest. "Do you want to come to the races with me?"
Matilda smiled up sadly at the man. "You'd know I'd love too Tommy, I just don't wanna get hurt, not after last time."

"Nothing will happen love, I promise."

She sighed and nodded, "okay. I'll come."

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