(5) Heroes stick together

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Just about a week later, not only was Niki called in sick but Dream too. Something is going around or something. Ranboo volunteered to take over Dreams shift today, and he also called in earlier in the heroes to call in that he wont be able to come tonight. Luckily, the diner is pretty calm at night, Sapnap is later on taking over Ponk and Skeppy's shift, so, both Ranboo and Sapnap are the ones running the devils diner alone. 

Everything was quite calm, if only there wouldnt be these customers. The entrance came in "Hey drea- oh. It's the boob." Right behind the golden hair of Tommy's appears the older brunette known as his best friend. Right when Tubbo's and Ranboo's eyes meet, his mood went from joyfull to dull and annoyed. Ranboo's smile also dropped "Hi, what can I get for you?" "one second, hang on, where's dream?" "sick. follow up question, since when did you visit devils diner at night?" "often- yeah..."  Ranboo looks to the kitchen, Sapnap was on his phone "so what's it gonna be?" Tommy and Tubbo both go into a hushed conversation to discuss their order. Bored out Ranboo watches them. "we have made a decision." "Just tell me your order. We close in half an hour." "yeah yeah whatever boob." his casuality was starting to annoy Ranboo, especially at this hour. "two honey teas, one cheesecake, the vanilla chocolate crisps muffins, a dark chocolate and two pancakes. Oh, and four normal cookies." Ranboo looked at him as if he'd seen a ghost "are you kidding me right now? We close in half an hour!" Tommy's look changed to a very serious one. "alright jeez. Though ponk is gone, so you gotta- " "he specifically makes them for us at night, they are below the counter over there." to ranboo's surprise, was there a plain box filled with muffins below the counter exactly where Tommy pointed at. 

He quickly teleported to the back to tell Sapnap the order, who also, groaned in annoyance "these kids- they only order these big orders. Every night! It's always different tho. and then take up until the very last minute to grab it and leave." he complains loudly, seemingly unbothered that the customers might hear him. 

"so why are you working exactly, arent you around the same age as us? I mean, sure, I dropped out, and Tubbo skipped a few classes, so what about you?" "did you also drop out?" Tubbo had this kind of mocking face on "I left. To support my sibling and I. Our parents are always short on money, so we lived apart from them and I left to earn money so they could finish school. They are also the older sibling." Dissappointment was very clearly visible on Tubbo's face and he didnt even try to hide it. It wasnt the full truth, but it was what everyone, even his sibling, believed. 

Ranboo teleported to the back and came back with their order "so which table will it be?" Tubbo stomped away, pissed because he lost this little rivalry this time. He sat down. Tommy shrugged, before grabbing sitting next to his best friend, and Ranboo placed their order infront of them on the table. "If you need anything, just call for me. I'm the only waiter at the moment so you gotta deal with me" Ranboo said jokingly, with a glance at Tubbo who obviously hated the idea to constantly have to deal with him, and so did Ranboo, so he waited at the counter for the remaining time. 


A while before closing time, when both Ranboo and Sapnap agreed to not serve anyone anymore, they started to clean up "you two got 10 minutes, then we'll have to throw you out." "I think you mean you, I get picked up a little before the end of this by one of my fiances, so dream normally closes up." "alright- " "speaking off, he's here, so I'm off" sapnap was already holding his bag "See you tomorrow man" "Alright have fun, see you tomorrow!" Sapnap left with a ring of the bell above the door.  

"alright you two, I need to close up. Pack your things." Tommy stood next to the table already taking his stuff, but Tubbo stayed seated with a smug smile like he had an evil plan or something, and continued eating in peace. "Tubbo come on, we gotta lea-" whatever Tommy wanted to say, he was rudely interupted by a crash outside. The only big window outside was covered by the closed curtain, so they couldnt see. Whatever Tubbo was planning, he stopped it immediatly, also being startled like the other two. 

They all run outside, and Ranboo was the first one outside, then Tommy shortly followed by Tubbo. They witnessed the scene infront of the devils diner, the vigilante, Jewel, had thrown the Villain, Siren, to the wall of the building, right next to the window, which they luckily missed. Ranboo didnt really think about possible consequences, or what he did exactly, the next thing he knew, was how he teleported behind Jewel and pinned him to the ground and Siren taking the run. Tommy on the phone, and Tubbo standing there, unmoving, like his soul left his body, just the shocked face for multiple minutes staring at the scene, and Jewel yelling protests in intelligble sounds Ranboo could not make out. 

The police arrived, with two heroes. One was Blue, the other one was one of the newer ones, Pheonix. All of them looked quite surprised that Ranboo had catched the vigilante without the help of anyone of the heroes, or any help outwards. "Ranboo how did you do that?" Tommy asked. He was quiet during the time of waiting, in which he stood next to Tubbo, multiple meter away from Jewel and Ranboo. "I- don't know?" infact, Ranboo did know. He didnt train for months to be a hero for nothing. The police took the vigilante in. "Y'know, you have really good qualities, maybe you should try being a hero!" "oh, no, thanks, I've got a lot to do. I don't need to be a hero aswell." Blue looked confused "don't you want to protect your city?" "Not as a hero that's for sure!" "okay?" Blue had a suspicious face on, thinking about the response Ranboo gave. Noone ever told Ranboo to become a hero. He wasn't prepared if he got ever told that. 

"Hey Tubbo, are you alright?" "huh- what? oh uh, yeah, ofcourse. I just never witnessed a fight this close. On TV, yeah sure. But not like this." Ranboo noticed how Tubbo sounded a little off, like he was elsewhere with his thoughts. He didnt fully tell the truth. But, why would he care, not like he was even friends with him.

Sting a heroOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora