"Peace?!" Hawk retorted when no cat spoke for several heartbeats. "You're literally trying to take my family's land, aren't you?"

Talonstar spoke calmly, although his tail was thrashing to and fro. "Your past life is irrelevant now that you're going to be one of us," he meowed low in his throat. "My Medicine Cat, Dawnclaw over there has convinced me you need to stay. So I have ordered my warriors to make you stay."

Hawk twisted her head around to glare at Dawnclaw. She ran a paw over her ear smugly. "That's right," she meowed. "We have intel that suggests your path is entertained with ours. That and taking you away from your little gang means it's one less cat to eliminate on our way to survival."

Talonstar let out an awkward chuff of air. "And," he meowed loudly. "You saved Specklekit. It is surely only the kind thing to do to keep you here until your wounds have healed."

Sure that's what you want.

"You seem like you'd make a fine fighter," Talonstar continued. "And we like those here. There's no requirement saying you need to be smart or clever to be a member of FalconClan."

Hawk growled but said nothing. Perhaps it was for the best if these 'FalconClan' warriors thought she was bee-brained. It might help her sneak around without as much suspicion. Still, she felt bitter at the fact that they clearly felt extremely superior when compared to her.

Dawnclaw smirked. "Those cobwebs will heal up quite nicely," she meowed. "Before you know it, you'll be taking flight."

Talonstar whirled around, and shook his head emphatically. "She needs to prove her worth first," he meowed calmly.

Dawnclaw shrugged and returned to her grooming. As Talonstar turned to face Hawk once more, he fanned out his dark grey wings elegantly. The pale dawn light from outside of the den shone on them, lighting up tiny sparks of blue. Talonstar puffed out his chest.

"Prepare to join my ranks, little rogue. Once your wounds are healed, it will be time." Talonstar smiled and flexed his long claws in and out. "Now you won't be playing any tricks will you?"

Hawk smiled at the FalconClan leader. "I wouldn't dream of it."

I'll show them, She thought coldly as Talonstar turned and strutted out of the den. Just wait until Adder learns that I can give her inside information. I'll figure out these cats' weaknesses, then we can fight them.

More than that, though, Hawk desperately hoped that she would find her brother somewhere in the ranks of these clan cats. Maybe he hadn't been running from her, but instead trying to lead her to another clan! Maybe he'd even convinced them to help drive out FalconClan. Hawk had heard from her mother that there were likely three groups of cats around.

I'm coming for you, Blaze!

Hawk suddenly narrowed her eyes as Dawnclaw padded over to her. The pale ginger tabby with the amber wings padded up to her slowly.

"Watch your step," she meowed to Hawk. "Avalanches are frequent on this snowy landscape. One little slip up, and you'll find yourself in the middle of one."

Are you threatening me? Hawk narrowed her eyes. While Talonstar had just been snooty and proud, there was something ominous in Dawnclaw's eyes that made her uneasy. Whatever Dawnclaw had against her, it was personal.

"Were you the one that healed up my wounds?" Hawk asked politely. "Thank you ever so much."

Her mocking flattery was rewarded with a simultaneous look of fury and respect gleaming in Dawnclaw's eyes.

"My apprentice helped," Dawnclaw meowed casually. "I'll re-patch them soon enough."

Hawk nodded absently, and curled up in a ball. She was going to pretend to be tired so that Dawnclaw could leave her alone. Then, she would try her paw at escaping. Maybe FalconClan wouldn't be around, and she could leave and find Adder. Her mother would know what was the best move from here.

Hawk listened as the sound of Dawnclaw's retreating pawsteps left the cave. Then, she got to her paws. It was warm in the den, and it smelled quite pleasant. Still, Hawk felt on edge.

She waited a few more heartbeats before getting to her paws. Almost instantly, pain shot up into her body from several places. Hawk clenched her teeth as she put weight onto her injured forepaw.

Then, she looked towards the light. Freedom was so close. Taking a deep breath, Hawk bounded towards the exit to the den, and skidded out.

Her momentum carried her a few more pawsteps. Suddenly there were sharp intakes of breath from all around Hawk.

"So Specklekit really was saved by a rogue?!"

"I thought they were supposed to be less scrawny."

"Look at that eye scar!"

Hawk let her gaze travel up from the ground. Her heart skipped a beat, and began pounding madly in her chest. As her gaze raked the land around her, Hawk realised that she was completely surrounded by cats... with wings.

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