26 | Finding Billy

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"No one in the water until 30 minutes after the last strike, and don't try and argue with me. You want to get electrocuted, go climb a tree," the male lifeguard told the girls. Isadora frowned at him as Max shook her head.

"Yeah, we don't care. We're not here to swim ... or get electrocuted," Max shook her head and Isadora watched as Laura nudged Eleven, who lifted something up to show to the two lifeguards.

"We found this," Eleven told them.

"Does that belong to anybody here?" Laura asked them.

"Oh, yeah, that's Heather's. I'll get it back to her," the male lifeguard told them.

"We could give it back to her," Eleven suggested and Isadora couldn't help wondering what the three young teenagers were up to.

"You could 'cept she's not here; bailed on me today. What is it? You girls want a reward or something?"

"No, we're just ... good samaritans," Max told him. Isadora noticed Eleven was looking at something and she watched as the younger girl walked away from the group and Isadora nodded at the two lifeguards before following Max and Laura over to where Eleven was staring at a picture on the wall.

"What is going on?" Isadora asked, as she walked over to the bulletin board and noticed Eleven was focused on a picture of Heather.

"Heather," Max said.

"Do you think you can find her, Eleven?"

"No way!" The female lifeguard laughed loudly from behind them. Isadora looked over her shoulder at the two lifeguards before looking back to see Eleven grabbing the picture of Heather, before she started walking away from them.

"Wait, how are you planning on finding her?" Isadora asked.

"Come on," Laura said. Isadora looked towards her and Laura shrugged before the girls followed Max and Eleven towards the bathrooms. As Isadora walked in, she looked over at the girls and wondered what the hell was going on and what the three girls were up to. As she walked over to the girls, Laura turned towards her, "We need to turn on all the showers."

"What ...? Wait, why are we turning on all the showers? And why is El putting a blindfold on? What is going on?" Isadora asked, as she hesitantly started helping Laura and Max turn the showers on. No-one said anything at first and Isadora looked over at the two girls, "Max, Laura, what on earth is going on?"

"We'll explain everything later, but not right now. Come on, let's finish turning these showers on," Max said. Isadora nodded and finished helping the girls turn the showers on. Once they were finished, the girls went and sat down beside Eleven, who was covering her eyes with duck-taped glasses and Isadora watched as she did, furrowing her eyebrows together as she tried to figure out what was happening right now.

"What do you see?" Laura asked her.

"What — why are you asking her what she sees?" Isadora asked.

"Issi," Max said, as she looked over at the blonde, who nodded.

"Ok, sorry, I'll be quiet," Isadora said before watching as Eleven made a face and Isadora wondered what was going on right now.

"A door. A red door," Eleven said. For a few minutes, she said absolutely nothing, but suddenly, she pushed the glasses off her face and Isadora could hear her starting to hyperventilate.

"El, what is it? What's going on?" Isadora asked.

"What happened? El?" Max asked, as Eleven hyperventilated. As she was hyperventilating, Isadora noticed Eleven's nose was blooding and Isadora looked between Eleven, Max and Laura.

The Great War | Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now