(A/N: Please tell me you're enjoying dumbass Ellie as much as I am... I feel like in this situation she'd be super confused)

"I know... Trust me, I know but... If he leaves me-"

"Then we will step it back. We'll be the cool aunts who give them sugar when you tell them no, and we'll babysit when you're sick of them" Dina cracks a smile, making Y/n smile a bit too.

"It'll be okay," Dina tells her.

Y/n smiles at her friend.

"Ohhh! You're pregnant!" Ellie suddenly gets it, nodding with a smile.


Two-day time skip

Jesse had been very busy with work and defending Jackson that Y/n had to beg him to come to her house. Once he got off work she convinced him to meet her. She really got him with the "Please... Jesse... This is important" as tears grew in her eyes. She bought Jesse his favorite food from a restaurant. And then cleaned up her house as well as she could...

Two knocks made chills run down her spine.

She made her way to the door. Slowly, fearfully. Her heart felt like it was in her stomach as she opened the door, revealing a worried but happy-looking Jesse.

"Hey, Y/n!" The snow flew wildly behind him.

"Hey... Come on in" She moves out of the way, smiling.

Jesse quickly walks in. And begins slipping off his boots. Y/n had a thing about shoes in the house... And tracking in dirt.

"I um, I got your favorite dinner! I um.." She says quickly and nervously, fiddling with her fingers. 

"Thanks!" He smiles brightly. 

"It's in the kitchen.." Y/n tells him before he makes his way to the kitchen.

"I'll grab yours. Go put on a movie so we can watch it while we eat" Jesse tells her, blocking her way from entering the kitchen.

Y/n nodded and went to the DVDs, struggling to find one from her shaking hands. She settled on the sixth sense. She popped it into the DVD player and let it spin. Jesse arrives, handing her her plate of food. Smiling down on her anxiety-ridden girlfriend who faked a small smile which he slightly notices.. The movie began, and Y/n felt nauseous. But pretended to eat slowly.

As the movie went on Jesse would send her soft glances and try and move closer to her, to cuddle but Y/n didn't engage. Fearful of what would happen. 

"Did I do something to upset you?" Jesse asks, looking directly at her.

"No..." Y/n shifted in her seat, knowing this may be it.

"Then what's going on with you? You seem distant" Jesse tells her, as Y/n looks up she notices his worried expression.

"I'm just..." Y/n began... "Jesse. I need to tell you something really important and you need to promise you won't be mad at me"

"What happened..."

"You have to promise"

"I promise now, what happened?"

"I'm pregnant"

"What?" He asks, his face scrunching up.

"Remember... Two months ago. After we watched a movie? Well..." Y/n looked down, almost looking ashamed. 

Jesse stood up, quickly taking steps away from her.

"We aren't ready" Jesse shakes his head. "No... no no no!"

"I wanted to tell you sooner... I was just..."

"This can't be happening. Y/n!"

"I know... But I think we can do this. Together we can do this" Y/n stands up, looking at Jesse, hope full in her eyes.

"I.. I'm not ready for this"

"Neither am I... But whether we're ready or not it's coming. But we can do this. Please... You can't leave me with this"

Jesse stared at Y/n as tears poured down her cheeks.

"Please, Jesse... Please! I can't do this without you, you have to do this, you have to... Please don't leave!"

"I..." Jesse looked at her.

"You're gonna leave, aren't you" Y/n began to struggle to breathe. "Fine! Fine! Go!"

Y/n sat on the couch and held her face in her hands. Tears pour into them.

Jesse watched her for a second before slowly moving over to her. Sitting next to her, and hugging her sobbing body.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm here, I'm here for you and this baby. We're in this together" Jesse told her, trying not to tear up.

"You mean it?"

"Yes, Y/n... I mean it. I love you"

"I love you too, Jesse"


Hiii... helloooooo.... We're going to ignore the fact I totally fell off the face of the earth for a second. I want to thank you all for 30K+ reads, like... Holy shit! That's absolutely insane! And for anyone still reading, I love you so much! 

Now! Why was I gone for so long? I have been getting older, and have been trying to get my grades up for college, so my school has been getting in the way. When I made this account I was in my late pre-teens and had a lot of free time but now not so much. I will continue this story for the sake of writing but posting won't be as frequent BUT!! I'm still here and will engage in comments, questions, etc! Thank you so much for understanding! :)

ALSO! This isn't really edited so I apologize for any grammar mistakes.

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