(Abby) Part 2.

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As the boat crashed on the small waves, and you could see nothing but fog next to us and the sound of the water wooshing Y/n began to feel sick...

"I thought you were dead..." Abby suddenly told her.

Y/n looks up, Abby was looking at Y/n already. 

"So did I..." Y/n's bottom lip quivered a bit.

"...How long were you there?"

"At the camp?"


"I was taken this morning. I was trying to find the-"



"Lev and I were trying to find them too."

"Lev is.. him?" Y/n points down at the kid.


Y/n nodded looking at the boy. He was also skinny, almost worse than Abby... Y/n felt her gut twist as she thought about how many people... kids... have died there.

As Y/n felt her mind drift so did the boat. It turned sharply making the boat tip slightly. Y/n looked at Abby who had fallen asleep.

"Abby.. hey Abby" Y/n called making Abby wake up and look at Y/n.

"Let me steer for a little bit"

Abby didn't object or argue. She weakly nodded, Y/n and Abby switched places. Abby laid down at the bottom of the boat. As Y/n steered the boat she glanced down at Abby, her weak body shook at the cold. She knew she needed to get Lev and Abby out of the cold as soon as possible. 

After about twenty minutes Y/n could see land... or a house... two houses... a neighborhood. An overgrown neighborhood. The neighborhood went at an angle so one single house was completely out of the water. The boat hit the concrete and made the three of them get yanked forward softly. Y/n turned off the boat. She needed to make sure the house was clear before bringing them in.

Y/n stood up and jumped up onto a clear piece of concrete road. She tied the boat to an old rusty fire hydrant sticking out of the water.
Abby was out cold on the boat, her breaths shallow and slow. She needed to find them shelter and food... God only knows how long ago they ate or drank.

Y/n inched her way to the house, being as quiet as possible in case there were runners or clickers, or even bloaters inside the other houses. She found an empty bottle on the ground as she crept into the house she heard nothing...
But as Abby would always tell Y/n "Don't let your guard down yet" so she didn't. As she crept around the house she found a shiv in the kitchen, she put the bottle in one hand and the shiv in the other.

Y/n stomped the ground once but nothing... 

Since Y/n had the bottle they decided to throw it into the kitchen and see if anything came out. After a second a clicking sound was heard and loud footsteps came out from downstairs.
A clicker... 

It moved erratically as any clicker would. Y/n snuck up behind it, killing it. Y/n deemed the house clear. She went around the entire first floor shutting and locking any door except the front door. Eventually, she made it to the basement where she walked down. It was dark, but it was dry and fairly warm. It was dark but the light from upstairs lit it up. 

Suddenly, out of habit, she flipped on the lights and the lights turned on to her surprise... It had three beds, and a shelf of food. Y/n rushed over to the shelf, it was all freeze-dried and still good. Y/n smiled brightly, the basement even had a microphone to communicate to others and a map on the wall.

It was perfect...

Y/n rushed upstairs and outside. She walked down the road in a speedwalk back to the boat. Abby and Lev still there asleep.
Y/n reached out and tapped Abby's shoulder. Abby squirmed but quickly shot up... Eyes wide.

"It's okay, it's just me..."

Y/n raised her hands up to show her she was okay and she wasn't a threat.

"I found a house we can stay at, it has beds and I cleared the house"

"You cleared the house? You should've..." Abby realized she was in no condition to be helping me. "I'll get Lev"

"No, you won't. I'll get him, you go... It's the basement of that blue house up there"

Y/n helps Abby out of the boat. Abby's hand gripped Y/n's, her grip not strong at all. Once Abby began to walk, Y/n scooped Lev up in her arms and followed behind Abby.
Lev was incredibly light...

Abby wasn't doing good either... She knew they'd need protein foods, and hight fat food. Once they got into the house, Y/n shut the door with her foot which was hard and she made her way downstairs to where Abby stood.

"Lay down on one of the beds I'll get you food"

Y/n set Lev down on one of the beds, carefully before going to the shelf and picking up a bag of canned peaches. Y/n opens the peaches with the shiv before turning to Abby.
Abby was covering Lev with the blanket and readjusting his pillow so he could sleep comfortably.
She grabbed another can of green beans and opened that too for Lev.

Y/n knelt down and gave Abby the peaches and set the green beans next to her. She looked like she was given the biggest gift ever.

"There's more on the shelf... Here's a shiv if you need to open something"

Y/n walks over to the desk and turned on the microphone.

"Hello?" She asked pressing the red button.

"Is anyone there?"

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?"

After five seconds she changed the frequency to another station.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?"

Y/n tried to get anyone to answer for hours, into the early hours of the night.

"..Hello? Can anyone hear me?"

After two seconds Y/n threw the microphone onto the desk shoving it away and leaning against the chair putting their hands on their face and letting out a frustrated groan. 

This was a nice setup but Y/n didn't know where so was at or where to go... The area wasn't ideal either.

Y/n let out a sob. She had two people with her that were in no condition to be traveling everywhere. 

Suddenly she felt someone place a hand on their shoulder. Y/n looked up at the person and saw Abby. She looked a little better, not much at all but better... More rested.

"Thank you..."

"For what?"

"We'd be dead if it weren't for you"

Y/n's eyes weld up with tears. Closing her eyes softly and lowering her head before looking back up. 

"I..." Y/n began. "I can't protect you guys"

"Y/n, look at me..."

Y/n looked up at Abby.

"You have done so much for us. We'd still have been up on those poles, probably dead by now. You got us here and got us food... You've done so much already"

Suddenly, Abby's eyes looked like her normal ones again. The one's you'd fallen for when you were young, the ones you missed... You smiled up at Abby before nodding.


(I can write a PT. 3 if you guys would like...)

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