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(AS PROMISED! A fluff chapter!)

(Song suggestion: None)

Love interest: Jesse.

Warnings: Jurrasic park movie spoilers and slight gore containing the Jurassic park movie.


Y/n sat on their bed, watching a movie. Jesse had found it while he was out. It was a movie called Jurrasic park, it was about dinosaurs.

Y/n liked dinosaurs, maybe that's why Ellie and them got along so well, their interests were so much alike, but Y/n was nicer... Maybe that's why Dina and Y/n got along.

As the loud thumping noise was heard on the TV and the little boy stared at the little cups of water vibrating as the thumps progressed Y/n heard a knock at her door. They quickly stood up and ran to the door, opening it and running back to the bed.

"Hi, Jesse" Y/n says looking at the TV.

"You just opened the door without looking first?" Jesse walks in, shutting the door behind him. "I could've been a raider or a clicker"

"A clicker that knocks?" Y/n asks still watching the TV with wide eyes.

"They could evolve" Jesse shrugs, she gets in the spot next to her suddenly getting excited about the TV. "Is that the movie I found for you?"

"Yep! Now shush!" Y/n shushes him making him shut up instantly and watch the TV.

'Maybe it's the power trying to come back on' The guy on the TV said.

The boy put on his night vision goggles Y/n, wondered if those actually existed back then... He zoomed the glasses in to look at a chain where a goat was just at shook back and forth.

'Where's the goat?' The girl asks looking at her brother before hearing a thud.

A piece of the goat landed on the top of the car, in the sunroof area making them all look. The girl let out a gasp and moved away.
Y/n could feel Jesse's body stiffen as the T-rex appears on the screen. 
The man in the car runs out, stupidly.

"Why would he do that!!" Jesse shouts, causing Y/n to look at him but he would look at her. He wasn't one for movies so this shocked Y/n.

'He left us.. he left us!' The girl panicked.

He ran into the bathroom made out of bamboo. 

As they continued watching the movie they both shouted stuff as people did stupid stuff they felt a bonding moment.
They'd been dating for a year but never really did stuff like this together. By the end of the movie, they were sitting with each other, leaning against the wall. Jesse's arm wrapped around Y/n's shoulder and Y/n's head was on his shoulder. 

"That was a good movie..." Jesse nods.

"Really?!" Y/n moves away from him, eyes wide and wide smile.

"Yeah" Jesse nods, before sighing at Y/n's expression. "You're so beautiful"

Y/n's smile dropped into a more soft smile, lips together. Their cheeks burned from the blush. Jesse put his hand on their chin leaning giving them a small peck on the lips before laying down, Y/n copied the motion.
They cuddled for a little while, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.



My health has been pretty crappy recently and school is kicking my butt so my posting may be a bit inconsistent but regular, I'll post at most four chapters weekly, no matter what I will post weekly, even if it's just one. If I don't just assume I am in the process of writing a chapter!

Also! Thank you for all the reads! I genuinely can't thank you, guys, enough! 

Remember to DM me some ideas! :)

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