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Suggested song: Time after time by Cyndi Lauper

Romantic interest: Abby.



Abby and Y/n have been shoved in the back seat while Mel and Owen sit up front. Mel's stomach has gotten increasingly bigger as her pregnancy progressed.
Abby had a massive crush on Owen, it was obvious. Y/n noticed how Abby stared at their hands interlocked on the spot in between the two seats and how they'd look at each other from time to time.

Y/n felt bad for Abby, but she also felt a painful jab in her heart. Y/n has had a crush on Abby since they were teenagers but she knew Abby wouldn't feel the same way... Abby has only ever had a crush on Owen. While Owen and Abby were teenagers they dated on and off.

Despite the hurt feeling inside Y/n she unzipped her bag at her feet and dug around in her bag. It just had some basic stuff, a small medkit, some duck tape... but she was looking for something Abby had given her years ago. Suddenly her hands land on her cassette player, ear plugs wrapped around it just under it there was a cassette Y/n had found in one of the houses she looted.
Y/n pops in the cassette and puts the left ear plug in, she half hoped Abby was already looking at her but she wasn't, still looking at Owen and Mel.

"Abby?" Y/n asks softly holding the other earplug in her fingers gently.

Abby looked over at Y/n, who was looking straight into her eyes.

Abby felt insecure under her eyes. She always felt like Y/n could see into her soul, like she knew all her thoughts.
Abby then looks down at the earbud.

"Wanna listen to music?"

"Sure" Abby nods taking the earbud out of her fingers and placing it into her ear.

Y/n hit the button, the tape on the cassette spun for a moment before a soft tune began to play in their ears.

Time after time.

"Lying in my bed hear the ticking think of you"

Y/n and Abby were both looking away from each other, looking outside the windows and watching trees and abandoned cars on the side of the road.

"Caught up in circles. Confusion is nothing new"

Y/n lets in a sharp breath. She wondered what Abby was thinking about at this very moment.

"Flashback, warm nights. Almost left behind. Suitcase of memories"

Abby shifted in her seat softly. She picked at her nail as she wondered what Y/n was thinking about.

"Time after"

Y/n takes a quick glance over Abby who was still looking out the window. Her heart stung a bit as she half hoped Abby would be looking at her.

"Sometimes you picture me. I'm walking too far ahead"

Abby felt as if she was being watched. She looks over at Y/n beside her, her e/c eyes. Y/n quickly looked away. Her eyes landed at her hands down on her lap lying messily, palms facing up.

"You're calling to me, I can't hear. What you've said. Then you say, "go slow". And I fall behind"

Abby sits there, continuing to stare at Y/n wondering how long she'd actually been looking at her.

"The second hand unwinds. If you're lost you can look and you will find me. Time after time. If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting. Time after time"

Y/n could see Abby looking at her from the side of her eye. She wanted to squirm under her stare but she resisted the urge.

"If you're lost, you can look and you will find me. Time after time. If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting. Time after time"

Y/n suddenly looked up at Abby who didn't look away, not even at all. Abby's face had a weird expression, not weird out, or anything... Just a soft expression.

"After my picture fades and darkness has. Turned to gray. Watching through windows. You're wondering if I'm okay. Secrets stolen from deep inside (deep inside). And the drum beats out of time"

Y/n's lips slightly parted their eyes looking into each other. Y/n's heart sped up and butterflies exploded in her stomach. She wondered what Abby was thinking about.

"If you're lost you can look and you will find me. Time after time. If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting. Time after time. If you're lost, you can look and you will find me. Time after time. If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting. Time after time. Time after time"

Abby felt this weird feeling growing in her chest... Something she only felt with one person and one person only, Owen. The feeling began to grow and Abby felt a weird urge to kiss Y/n.

"I've got a suitcase of memories that I almost left behind. Time after time. Time, time, time. But you say to go slow but I fall behind. Time after time after time (after time, oh)"

Y/n felt the urge to kiss Abby but knew that probably wasn't what she was thinking, plus with Mel and Owen in the car it would be pretty weird. Suddenly... the moment was gone as the cassette clicked and the tape rolled.
Y/n cleared her throat tearing her gaze away from Abby. Y/n carefully yanked the earbud out of Abby's ear and wrapped the cord around the cassette player putting it back in her backpack and looking back out the window...

That was the day the spark between Y/n and Abby began.

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