16| The new threat

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Cumar Xirsi Husseins Pov

Me and the boys are standing outside the mosque gate, and waiting for Ismail and Sheikh Suleiman to come. After that we thought we would take off to the park and give food, blankets and clothes. I personally just took with me blankets, because I actually don't have a lot of clothes and most of my clothes are thobes.

"Guys look over there!" says Mohammed while his gaze is fixated on a car pulling in. WHAT THE ACTUAL- I stop myself before I say a bad word. A Mercedes-Benz CL65 AMG Coupe pulls inn, and this car just screams "I am filthy rich", I immediately know who's car that is. All the people in the mosque gate area are looking at the car, and out comes none other than Jaxton.

For the surprise he doesnt come out of the driving seat, but the passenger seat. So, he was driven here by his chauffeur. No surprise, the guys dad is multi millionare I think. Well, may Allah bless his blessings.

Immediatly when he steps out of the car he looks around, probably looking for either Uggy or Benjamin. I personally have talked to Benjamin, he has always been silent and sitted by himself. Me and the boys did try to interact with him, but after some time we understood that his life is between studying and writing. But his writing is exceptional, he sometimes writes about the prophets or some others stories to the children at the masjiid.

I never thought in my entire life that Jaxton Kincaid and Benjamin Abdallah would become friends, they are totally the opposite of each other. While Jaxton looks scary and evil, Benjamin looks like light and happiness. And while Jaxton is fearless and the center of attentions and fame. Benjamin is more of the silent guy who hates to attract attention. Jaxton is tall and lean, Benjamin is average and an skinny-ish guy.

Well, opposites do attract...And if they found the tone, why not let them have fun?

"This James guys really is something." says Ahmed while looking at his directions. I take another look and it looks like Benjamin and Jaxton has found each other. They do a knuckle dunk and Jaxton begins to point at the luggage place in the car.

"Its Jaxton." I say still looking at them talking together. Jaxtons Chauffeur comes out form the passenger seat, and begins to walk towards the luggage area. By the looks of it, he is going to take out somethings from there. So Jaxton brought something to the park?

Ding, ding..

Another surprise today.

"Amadieus, let us help you. Dont overwork yourself, you gotta think about your shoulder." We hear Jaxton shout at his chauffeurs way. That was actually a nice thing to do, he is becoming more selfless. We do like that!

" Its my duty, sir." is what Amadieus says before opening the luggage area.

"Yeah, but safety before duty. And that is an order." says Jaxton right back at him. Sometimes I wonder, how an 18 (soon to be 19) year old boy can order people around to such extent. But then I remember the two words: money and power.

Jaxton looks at Benjamin and tilts his head towards the car, without thinking Benjamin and Jaxton begins to move toward where Amedieus is standing and helping him take out things.

"Wow, MashaAllah his heart is in the right place" Says Mohammed looking at us. And he he is right, Jaxton Kincaid isn't what he used to be. He is becoming more passionate, even towards his workers. That's actually a very good thing.

"Awwww, he is so handsome and kind.." I hear some girls from behind us say. I dont look back at them, but I do wanna hear what more they have to say about him. Another girl interferes " I know, he is just MaShaAllah" the girls says. "Yeah to bad his eyes are only for Ugbad." says girl number one again with envy in her eyes.

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