Chapter 21

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Rumpelstilzchen stopped speaking, seemingly lost in his memory. The clearing was silent, but not the type of silent it had been when Aegae spoke. Then, the clearing had been filled with her misery, sympathy from the listeners, and the echoes of tears. Now, there was a tense air to the clearing. It seemed that those who heard the story were not happy with the tale.

The Cat tapped his claws on the stone podium at which he stood, his grin more of a sneer now. The Mad Hatter's jibberish was quiet and sinister. The Godmother sat with her hand over her mouth, while Tinkerbell and Maleficent sat with their arms crossed, twin glares on their faces.

Rumpelstilzchen appeared not to notice the tension in the clearing, though it was palpable to everyone else.

The Cat cleared his throat, pulling Rumpelstilzchen out of his memories and back into the present. "So, Grandfather." The title held more sarcasm than it originally did and Rumpelstilzchen's brow crinkled in confusion. "You stole a potion from a sorcerer. What happened next?"

Rumpelstilzchen's gaze never left the Cat's menacing grin as he began to speak again. "We went home. Marta's strength returned, at least for a little while..."

Misfit TrialsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz