Nightmare- Megumi X Yuji (platonic)

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The dorms were peaceful, most of the students already fast asleep after a long day of training exercises with gojo. Itadori was sunk deep into his mattress, mouth part open as soft snores filled his small dorm.

Directly next to him, fushiguro lay stiff, his brows knitted tightly together as his dreamless sleep suddenly shifted into a nightmare.

He was alone in a dark void, seemingly a domain of some sort. It was cold and lifeless. Fushiguro stepped forward calling out to see of anybody was there. Suddenly he heard a wet sound beneath his boots. He looked down and saw a large puddle of deep red blood, his brown boots now stained dark crimson. His eyes widened as he followed the blood with his eyes freezing when he spotted itadoris body limp and still on the ground.

"Itadori!" He yelled as he rushed to the boys side tapping him to wake him up.

He flipped the boy around and gasped loudly seeing the large gaping hole in the middle of his chest, the same way he looked when sakuna took his heart.

"Itadori-kun! Itadori kun wake up! Come on don't do this to me again!" He desperately screamed as he shook the lifeless boy.

Suddenly his ears were filled with a deep spine chilling laughter, the voice so unsettling it made fushiguro feel sick.

A cloud of smoke appeared and from it, sakuna slowly stepped out of it smiling maniacally at the two.

"Well, look at this, fushiguro and Itadori what a pair hm?" He slowly walked towards him squatting down to eye level.

"Eh? This seems oddly familiar to me, ring any bells megumi?"
Fushiguro clenched his teeth and furrowed his brows.

"Put it back. Put his heart back now you bastard!"

Sakuna laughed as he began stroking itadoris hair below him.

"You don't think he feels better this way? I mean let's face it fushiguro, itadori will die anyway, no use dragging it out don't you think?"

Megumis eyes went wide, his body frozen in place.

"Oh don't act so shocked. You knew itadori would be executed, I just sped up the process."

Fushiguro didn't want to think about it, yes, he did know that itadori was going to die but he refused to think about that day coming and focus on his friendship with itadori while he had it.

Sakuna was baring his teeth his eyes small and piercing.

"Well this is certainly a sight, fushiguro megumi shedding tears for itadori yuji, how pathetic."

He stood up with a threatening expression.

"I suppose I can let you say goodbye." He said before he snapped his fingers and itadori gasped and coughed.

"Yuji! Yuji hey, are you okay?" Megumi sputtered as he tried to force his tears back.

Itadori smiled at him though he felt tired and weak, the wound in his chest searing with pain.

"Fushiguro kun, you're crying."

Megumi wiped his eyes.

"Don't be sad, we both knew this day was coming." Yuji said softly as he wiped megumis cheeks.

"I...I don't want to lose you're my best can I be okay without you."

Yuji looked at him with those soft caring brown eyes.

"You'll be okay fushiguro-kun, you're strong and super badass! Me dying isn't that big of a deal."

Fushiguro lunged forward and took itadori in a tight hug.
Itadori smiled as his eyes welled with tears, hugging the taller back.

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