Chapter 1 First Incounter

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It's a bright and sunny day in the Hoenn region with beautiful clear skies, Taillows outside chirping about in Oldale town. A ray a sunshine blazed through the window into Sara's face having her reposition herself under the sheets groaning. Seeming as if she can sleep a little longer till it was interrupted by her alarm clock. "No. Five more minutes." She begged. Pressing snooze on her clock then letting out a long sigh.

Pitter patter came from down the hall, approaching her room followed by her door opening. "Buziel!" Her Buziel barked. "Nooooo just a little longer." She whined. Making his way up onto Sara's bed and standing onto her chest, pulling onto her sheets. "Okay okay I'm up!" She giggled. Patting Buziel on the head.

     It's been over a year since Sara started living on her own. From an apartment to owning a three bedroom house at the age of 18. With a little support from her wealthy parents and working at Team Magma she's grown up fast.

    Getting out of bed and stepping into the bathroom, splashing water in her face to see her navy blue hair a complete mess. "Alright let's start the day." She said to herself. Brushing out her hair, brushing her teeth, and changing out of her sky blue pajamas into a white tank top with black legging, brown leather boots and brown satchel. "Okay guys let's go!" She hollered. Buziel and Zoroark came around the corner. Putting them into their poke balls before leaving.

     Sara has the day off so she decided to spend it taking a stroll through route 102 making her way to Petalburg City. Along her way she noticed a separate path leading off course. "I don't remember this being here." A fate cry could be heard in the distance. Deciding to take it, she didn't expect this part of the forest to be this thick. She could feel twigs getting caught under her tank top and bra strap. Before getting the chance to untangle herself, she tripped over a root sticking out above the ground. Falling in a puddle drenching her in mud. Scared she desperately checked her surroundings in hope that no one saw or heard her.  "Ouch! Dammit. Well luckily my hair didn't get dirty."

     Untangling her shirt and bra from the tree Sara scanned the area around her for a stream to wash the mud off herself. After a few minutes of looking and being eye balled by Pokémon staring at her she came across a river. Removing the remaining clothing off and giving them a quick rinse before folding them neatly next to her bag, leaving herself completely exposed. "Woah that's cold!" She said dipping her toe in. Making her nipples perk right up. Building up the courage, Sara just jumped right in. After a few minutes her body adjusted to the temperature.

     Only 10 meters away a Pokémon appeared to have followed her naturally curious. His heart rate sped up at the sight of her. Such natural beauty, he's never felt this way about anything. Not completely sure what this feeling is tho his body knows how to react to it, causing him to have a small erection. The little Riolu's clumsiness stumbled across a sleeping Rampardos, angering it by disturbing its slumber. Looking enraged he let out a load roar. "Rampardos!!!" The sight sent him running.

     Doing his best to ran and escape the angry Pokémon, his chase quickly came to a close. Being cornered by a tall Rocky Mountain. Shivering through up and down his spine as the Pokémon slowly approached him. Scared he closed his eyes till he heard a voice in the distance. "Zoroark! Use sucker punch!" Sara shouted. Zoroark dashed forward and struck Rampardos in the face sending him flying. Quickly to get back on his feet he charged her.

Sara quickly rushed to the Riolu on the ground with the Rampardos was distracted. "Are you okay?!" She said with concern in her voice. He slowly looked to at her with a tear in his eye, noticing that she's not wearing any clothing at all. He blushed heavily. The Sara rushed over immediately once she heard the cry of a Pokémon who seemed to be in trouble.

She picked him up and held him against her E-cup breasts. As she held him like a small child she could feel a warm and wet lump against her stomach. Looking down she could see a small erection sticking out of its socket. Shaking her head, regaining focus. "No worries you're safe now." She smiled.

Zoroark claws managed to hold him back for a few moments before knocking him off balance and swinging him over her shoulder, throwing him into a tree. She stood boldly as the Rampardos retreated into the forest. Riolu gazed upon her. "Thank you Zoroark." Zoroark nodded before returning to her poke ball.

     Sara placed Riolu on the ground and headed back to retrieve her stuff and put some cloths on. Looking back at the Riolu, in fear that the Rampardos would come back once they left she decided to take him with her. She began to return to the trail and continue on her way to Petalburg City, carrying Riolu in her arms. Throughout the day she carried him everywhere she went, grabbing food from the market, visiting a few stores, even coming across a store selling adult toys. Even spotting a dildo shaped as a Charizards cock through the window. Embarrassed she couldn't bring up the courage to go in.

     The sun started to set while she made her way home. By the time she got there Riolu fell asleep. "Awww you must've been tired with all that walking around." The moment she walked through the door she placed Riolu on the couch in the living room, putting a blanket over him. Releasing her other Pokémon.

     Sara stepped into the other room putting something more comfortable one while she prepared dinner. "Okay guys please play nice with are new friend, he's had a rough day." Buizel looked over at him curiously while Zoroark stared at him with a grin. Not pleased with the new Pokémon in the house. Buizel didn't seem to mind.

     The cooking aroma awoke Riolu from his nap. Rubbing his eyes with his paws letting out a small yawn. Feeling anxious as he took in his surroundings, not knowing where he's at. Following the smell into the kitchen, he spotted Sara wearing an apron with a red T-shirt and black shorts. Taking a few more steps towards her till noticing.

     "Looks who's awake. Hello sleepy head. Go have a seat, the foods almost ready." Nervously walks to the table where Zoroark and Buizel are sitting. Buizel simply minded his own business while Zoroark glared at him with her arms crossed, Sara approached the table with a few bowls of beef stew in her hands laying each one in front of them. Looking at it she only brought three of them. One for Buizel, one for Zoroark, one for Sara and Riolu to share.

     After dinner. Zoroark dragged Buizel back to their room with an attitude while Sara carried Riolu back to her room. "No worries I'm sure she'll warm up to you." Sounding so positive. "Come on." She smiled patting the bed. She slowly made his way over to her nervously laying a foot away from her. She pouted at him and pulled Riolu closer, have his face right between her chest. "Come on now don't be shy~" Sara could feel his heart pounding. Loosening up her grip she locked eyes with him. "Everything going to be okay." She place her hand on his cheek. Never feeling a loved touch before, she felt so warm. Both of them slept soundly that night.

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