Chapter 5- Childhood friendships

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"You can't catch me Carrier!" 

The Taunts of a white and light-blue rimmed silver femmeling squealed, trying to run away from her Carrier. The red and orange minicon tried to catch her sparkling to no avail. Thumps were heard due to the floor being made of metal, meeting metal pedes. Vira was officially a helm and a half taller than Melody, being officially the equivalent of a 5-year-old. 

"Oh Yeah? Im gonna catch you one way or another!" Melody called out, but Sparklings are really filled with energy. Melody didn't have the energy of a sparkling to catch up to Vira. This is why she usually had to take shortcuts around the house to catch up to Vira. Melody heard there were new bots across the street who had a sparkling of their own around Vira's age. It was about time Vira got a friend around her age, or at least had her energy to run so fast- 

"I got you Vira! I told you I would catch you!" Melody said with a laugh as she caught her Sparkling, Vira squealing as Melody attacked her sides with her expert tickling digits. Vira laughed and squealed as she tried to protect her currently under attack sides. 

"Okay Okay!!- I give up Carrier!!" Vira said with her squealing laughter continuing before Melody stopped tickling Vira, Vira still giggled before Melody helped her Daughter onto her pede's. Feeling tired already, Yet the energetic-filled Vira wanted to continue playing "Carrier? Let's play again! You can be it again!" Vira Spoke happily with a smile, only for Melody to sigh. Looking toward the window, Melody spotted a Mechling who looked to be around Vira's age playing outside by himself. An Idea came into her helm. 

"Vira, how would you like to make a friend?" Melody asked her Daughter as Vira blinked before suddenly jumping up and down like an excited sparkling she is.

"Yes YES YES YES YESSS!!" Vira was running in circles around her carrier as she laughed out loud happily "I Love making Friend's!!" Vira spoke proudly and with happiness enveloped in her words. Even if she actually never had a Friend Before or even made one. 

"Alright then!" Melody said with a slight laugh at her Daughter's excitement "See over there? That Mechling that is playing in the street by himself? Go play with him and make a friend. Just be careful alright-" Melody said, turning to look at her daughter only to find her missing as she blinked. She saw the door open as Vira closed it once she was outside. Sparklings... balls of unstoppable energy.


Vira skipped across the usually deserted street after making sure to look both ways like her Carrier taught her to do. She came to a stop in front of the Mech with a happy grin on her Derma's. The Mechling looked up as he had been sitting on the sidewalk of the street, he was a Black and red armored Mechling with baby Blue optics staring at Vira's own Light Sky Blue optics. 

"Hi!! My Designation is Vira! What's Your's?" Vira asked with a tilt of her little helm, the Mechling in front of her blinked before speaking.

"Um... My Designation is Ironhide..." Ironhide said, seeming a tad shy as Vira plopped herself beside him with a happy smile. 

"Hi Ironhide! Wanna Be Friends?" 

"Umm... Sure! I would like that very Much." Ironhide was nervous at first but soon got some bravery and nodded. 

"Sooo- can I call you IH for short then?" Vira asked since she didn't want to say Ironhide because to her it was too long. 

"As long as I can call you V for short," Ironhide said back, grinning happily as his nervous self went away.

"Okay!... One Day IH im gonna be rich! Then my Carrier doesn't have to worry about us! What do you wanna do?" Vira looked at Ironhide as she tilted her little helm, she was shorter than him by about a helm since he was actually older than her. 

"One day, I want to join the Elite guard and be the best they have ever seen!" Ironhide spoke, using his servos to make it seem like it was a really big deal to him.

"What is the Elite Guard?" 

"You haven't heard about the Elite Guard!? Have you been living Under a Rock!? They are the best and most respected bots of all Cybertron!" Ironhide seemed to be gaping at Vira not having knowledge of what that was

"Well- My house is tough! Does that count as a rock?" Vira tilted her helm once more 

"Hahaha!- You are funny!!" Ironhide laughed as he smiled happily

"Thank You!... wanna play tag?"

"... Your it!" Ironhide spoke, having suddenly pat Vira on the Shoulder before making a run for it Vira blinked before getting up and chasing after him as they went in circles. 

"NO FAIRRR IH!!- I wasn't ready!!!"

"Too bad V!" 

(Sorry it's short!!- But I will be making the next chapter and updating it every week! Comment some Ideas on what the next chapter should be about! Im even considering adding some OC's any of you have! Just as long they are cybertronian. I need a Bot to play the part of a store owner getting robbed. Possibly more OC's to play other parts in the future!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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