Chapter 3- Bots have insurance

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It would seem Cybertron has at least some of its good parts to it

Since Melody got Vira she has enrolled the little one into being an existing sparkling on Cybertron which means she is recognized as a living being. It took some credits from Melody's savings but since they were a low-status family they accepted it. Now Vira had Insurance due to being a Sparkling and nowhere near fully grown. Yet once she did this it was a week since Melody did this. Having done this since two weeks before when those two mechs broke in to steal some of the energon they had Vira's little arm hadn't been right since then. Whining whenever melody even got close to it and she refused to move it at all. Today was the appointment.

The first time Vira was going to visit a Medical Officer, or as some would call them Doctors. At the moment Melody was carrying Vira in her arms while also being careful with the spikes she had on her shoulder that came from her chassis armor. Since once Melody got cut on her servo because of them being way too sharp, it was a wonder how it went for the mother birthing the young sparkling. Unless of course, Vira had come out pedes first. 

Soon spotting the Iacon medical center for sparklings and younglings and upcoming Carriers. Going over and coming in as Vira had woken up when she heard other Sparklings, perking up her little helm from her carrier's arms. Melody had made sure the two had cleaned up so they smelled nice but since Melody was a Minicon and Vira was a normal cybertronian sparkling it was normal to get stares. Other carriers who had brought their own sparklings and younglings for their checkups, even some expecting Carriers were there with their Sparkmates. Some turned their helms towards the new arrivals while others didn't as they were busy doing something else. 

Melody tried to ignore the stares as she took Vira to the Sparkling corner where other Sparklings were she put Vira down in there and soon left again towards the counter to get some papers she has to sign. It's always some type of paperwork she has to do. Never has it not been some type of paper she has to sign when you come to a medical center like this. Receiving an odd look from the receptionist before being handed over the datapad with all the paperwork she has to read through and sign. "Just sign the required documents in the datapad and check off any boxes it shows you in a yes or no answer, and type any concerns you may have," The receptionist said as she was a Blue femme with gold and silver skin. Melody nodded and soon went away to go sit somewhere which proved a challenge, but found some empty seats to the side and went over and sat down in one as she started to read through the probably 5-10 pages in the Datapad. 

Vira who had been left in the Sparkling corner watched the other sparklings not really knowing what to do. Yet when she saw a sort of round object roll towards her she reached for it and took it into her servos. It was actually a plastic ball that was blue as she had it in her servos. Staring at it seeming to be mesmerized by it, continuing to hold it in her tiny servos in front of her faceplate. The other Spakrlings were busy crawling around and others were waddling everywhere creating havoc in that corner as they were all playing with one another and toys. Vira was too busy staring at the plastic blue ball to even care as she didn't even make a motion to bite or gnaw on it at all. Just stare at it in complete silence. 

Soon a couple comes in with their own Sparkling who was only a few more years older than vira since they all age slowly you know? so they stay sparklings for a while then become younglings and then so on. They conversed a bit as the red and silver mech was talking in hushed whispers with his beautiful Sparkmate who was blue and light blue and dark blue with some purple too and they both had some hints of yellow. Soon the femme went to take her sparkling to the sparkling corner and settled the little Mechling in it while the mech went to the counter to get the paperwork over with. Soon both the femme and the mech looked for a seat. Seeing that the only free spots were next to a minicon femme who was at the corner. Went over and sat down in the two free chairs next to Melody who tensed a bit before going back to reading and box picking and signing. 

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