Chapter 9

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"What were you doing, Edith! I told you to stop, why didn't you?" David bitterly told me. What was he talking about?

"Told me? You never told me! What do you mean? We can't talk to each other, wolves don't have the vocal cords that humans do," I snarled back. Confusion was drawn all over his face.

"Of course, I know that Edith, but the mental-the mental link," His voice began to fade off, "Your human-born, and never were with other shifters, have you?" I stared into his eyes.

"What's the mental link, isn't that just with Telepaths not Shifters? We're not good with exerting our magic," I answered him, not what he asked but something. Looking around I saw his Beta, Asher, come over with a worried look.

"Why are you lookin' at me like that!" I started raising my voice, cornered. I'm getting cornered. David and Asher exchanged looks, I fell down backwards. I grabbed harshly at my hair and started tugging.

"Don't! I can learn! Please! I can-I can do it! NO!" I started mumbling to myself, memories of the basement came back. Asher grabbed my wrist, he tried soothing me also to stop yanking my hair. David just stood there, but after a while he as well tried to soothe me. Asher kept telling me to breathe, but I shook my head.

"C-Cover," I began as I was gasping for air, "Mouth! Stop-stop me fr-from breathin'." David was hesitant so Asher stopped my airflow. His hand covered my mouth & nostrils, the pack began to surround us. David was running his hand along my back. After a couple of minutes, I tapped Asher's hand and he immediately let go. I had already let go of my hair and was just gripping on grass.

My breathing was at a normal pace again. "Did Asher just-" Christain began but I interjected, "He tried getting me to slow my breathing down with the Counting Method, but that way doesn't work. So I told him to do that Chrissy." Hissing out his name, he clenched his jaw. I heard Milo and Asher stifle a laugh and got a groan from David.

I tried getting up by myself but David helped me, yanking my arm free from him I saw I had a cut.

"David, I need to ask for a medical kit. I am apparently bleeding," I said in a hushed tone.

"I'll do it, so don't bother doing it alone Edith." David sent the others back to the teens. He went first and I followed. Entering the Den, we went to his office. I stood near the doorway, as he got the kit. He sat it on his desk and grabbed his chair.

"Sit." Was all he said. Slowly walking towards his chair, I sat down at the edge of it. Taking the gray sweater off, I looked over the cut, wiping the blood away with the cut. He opened the kit and took out the supplies. He looked up for a moment when he soaked a cotton ball with alcohol, I knew what he meant so I just shrugged.

"Edith, what was up with that?" He asked as he dabbed the cotton ball.

"Ptsd, got it as a gift when I was a kid. Along with the P.I.S.S thing, as you know," I answered, "I won't say no more of it." He nodded as he finished up.

"You can stop using magic, you know," He said out of nowhere. I gulped and shook my head. He gave me a questioning look, I responded with, "Don't want to." He nodded. We left it at that. I don't want them knowing about the truth of the scars just yet. Especially the 'Christian scars.'

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