Welcome to Azur Lane

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December 7th 1941
Pacific Ocean waters adjacent to Azur Lane pearl harbour base
Royal Navy main fleet
1200 hours

Returning from the a victory against Axis forces with new members the fleet slowly make their way back to base while tending to the wounded using the medical bay onboard Enty as both Enterprise and Hornet are out of commission

"Miss Hornet would you please stop moving while i'm trying to stitch your wounds" Belfast says irritation evident in her voice

"Sorry Belfast it's just hard to not be nervous when the person patching up my big sis is an Iron Blood ship and a man other world or not" Hornet replies sitting still

Bismarck can be seen in a butler's uniform hooking Enterprise up to an I.V and heart monitor "I von't do anysing to her. I assure you Hornet i only vant to help, Vile i am no repair ship i am ztill a doctor und right now both you and Enterprise are my patients zo i have a responsibility to help you" He says in reply to Hornet

"What's that machine?" Hornet asks concerned for her elder sister

"It iz called a heart monitor it vill keep track ov your schwesters heart as she damaged it in ze last battle and iz currently at risk of dying due to over exertion und taking multiple direct hits to ze chest. Any more damage und she vould have died rather zan collapsing" Bismarck explains whilst bandaging the wounds on Enterprise's legs

"R-Really...she could have...oh god" Hornet stutters tears falling from her eyes

"Indeed. She vill most likely need a lot of help from her friends and schwesters to recover or may well never wake up ve can't know for sure" Bismarck says finishing up tending to Enterprise's wounds

Hornet gives no response and just stares off into space thinking that shes lost both of her sister now

"Belfast i vill go and inform her majesty of ze situation please watch over zem" Bismarck requests the head maid

"Of course i will Merlin do go ahead and speak with her majesty" Belfast replies

Bismarck nods heads up to the main deck of Enterprise CVN-65 and over to a small table where everyone not in the medbay is sitting and having tea including his daughters and the three escorts of Enterprise

"Ah Merlin what is your report?" Queen Elizabeth asks

"Vell your majesty ze members of ze Hornet fleet are mostly fine and vhile Hornet needs stitches she's fine az vell but Enterprise is a different story" Bismarck says his tone somber

"What do you mean Merlin?" Cleveland asks worried for her senior

"Enterprise is in critical condition with many injuries that i just can't treat without a repair ship and im afraid even if we can treat her she still may never wake again due to the fact from what i can tell her primary wisdom cube has sustained damage due to her over exertion" Bismarck says shocking everyone

"Her wisdom cube is damaged? That's not good" Hood says

"No it iz not but i believe zat vonce her mental and physical state improve zat ze issue may resolve itself alzough i am not an expert on zis topic" Bismarck says taking a seat at the table and pouring himself some tea

"I'm sleeping" Laffey says random already dozing off only tp be picked up by Bismarck and placed in his lap where she falls asleep earning a chuckle from Cleveland

"You are a real dad you know. You just give off that calming, warm, parenteral aura" Cleveland says smiling at him while brushing the hair of little Cleveland but is actually although her jealousy towards

Azur Lane: The Bismarck Sails Once More (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now