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Beavis and Butthead were sitting on their couch when Garba- I mean Velma appeared out of thin air. "Huhuhuhu. Hey. Its a dorky chick. huhuhuhu" Butthead says.

"Yeah. heh heh heh." Beavis replies

"Are you catcalling me?" Velma asks.

"Woah! You're a cat? Huhuhuhuhu" Butthead says

"So like, you can lick your own balls? hehehehehe" Beavis asks.

"That'd be like, so cool huhuhuhuhuhu." Butthead said.

"You dumb privileged white guys are so annoying." Velma said.

"Hey, hehehe you're like, this girl we knew, heh heh Daria." Beavis said.

"Uh, don't you mean Diarrhea? Huhuhuhu" Butthead asked.

"Eh, hehehe Potato Apple. Hehehehehe." Beavis replied.

"My name is Velma!" Velma said.

"Uhuhuhuhu Your name is vermin? Uhuhuhu so you're like, a rat? Uhuhuhuhu." Butthead said.

"Hey! Hehehehehe lets throw a rock at it. hehehe* Beavis said, picking up a rock and throwing it at Velma, knocking her out.

"Uh, I think its dead huhuhuhuhuhu." Butthead said.

"Yeah, hehehehe. We should throw it in a lake or something hehehehee." Beavis suggested.

Beavis and Butthead then pick up Velma's unconscious body and take her to where there is water.

Meanwhile, at a lake, Norville, Fred, and Daphne are there. "I wonder where Velma is." Daphne said.

"Shes probably being a bi- I mean useful member of society somewhere. You know when shows have random stuff out of nowhere that like happens?" Norville says.

"Or what about when the characters talk about it?"

"I am Rich and White and have small penis now laugh." Fred says.

Just then, Beavis and Butthead come, carrying Velma's body and throwing it into the lake. "Hey look everybody! A dead vermin! Hehehehehee." Beavis says.

Beavis and Butt-head Do VelmaWhere stories live. Discover now