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    The bed was big and comfortable, and the two had a good night's sleep.

    The next day Zhexi pressed the alarm clock as soon as it rang, and she woke up half an hour earlier than usual. Zhexi tilted her head and glanced at Su Mochen, she was still sleeping. She leaned over quietly, stroking Su Mochen's hair on the temples with the back of her fingers... Knowing that she would not respond, but still enjoying it... Gradually, Zhexi became more courageous, and after she swallowed (and deliberately released slow breathing), and gently rubbed Su Mochen's left cheek with his fingertips, at this moment Su Mochen frowned suddenly, so frightened that Zhexi withdrew his hand quickly, and froze there, daring not to move ... After a few seconds she didn't respond anymore, Zhexi was completely relieved, and then sneaked out of bed ... When she went to the bathroom to wash, she couldn't help laughing ... When the bedroom door

    slammed , The person on the bed turned over, with a lazy voice: "Childish."

    After Zhexi washed up, she put on a small apron and started to make breakfast, fried eggs, oil cakes (not very oily), milk, which is a mixture of Chinese and Western Bar.

    Su Mochen got up when her alarm clock rang, and after she washed up, Zhexi's side almost just ended.

    "Try whether the handmade pancakes I make are better than those sold outside." Zhexi pushed the pancake plate towards her.

    Su Mochen took a sip and thought it was pretty good, but said on the face: "It's not bad."

    Zhexi pursed her lips and didn't ask for compliments.

    Su Mochen went to pick up another fried egg, and said, "The egg is fried well."

    Zhexi smiled helplessly: "As long as you like it."

    "Are you doing anything else besides being my bodyguard now?" ?” Su Mochen asked suddenly.

    Zhexi froze when holding the pancake, she looked up at Su Mochen, and said honestly, "I work in another company." "

    When did it happen?"

    Zhexi was about to tell her when she shook her head and said Sentence: "Forget it, this is your own business, there is no need to tell me, let's eat."

    Zhexi felt very uncomfortable for a moment. She didn't intend to hide from Su Mochen, she was afraid that after she told her that she worked in Wan's chip design department, Su Mochen would ask how and where did she learn this major? How would she answer? She didn't want to lie to her at all...and there was really no way to tell her some things from the beginning...

    During the rest of the meal, Su Mochen became the usual silent woman who didn't like to laugh or talk, Zhexi was very anxious, but she didn't know how to tell her, besides, she couldn't explain these things clearly.


    'm going to wash the dishes, can you help me feed the cat?" After dinner, Zhexi finally found a topic.

    "My cat feeds himself, I'm going to clean up."

    Clean up? Isn't that going back to live? Zhexi was twisted in her heart, but she didn't dare to stop her, so she could only follow her back and forth.

    "Aren't you going to wash the dishes? Why are you following me?" The tone was a bit fierce.

    "Can you leave it alone?" Zhexi gently pulled off her sleeve.

    Su Mochen stopped his movements suddenly, and looked directly at her: "Is your bodyguard contract expiring this June?"

    Zhexi's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately shook her head in denial.

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