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 Wan Lizhe was familiar with the others, but Zhexi, the new dark horse, surprised him somewhat.

He took out a cigarette and lit it by his lips, with his legs crossed at the edge of the table, raised his eyebrows and looked in Zhexi's direction, the lighter in his hand was turned off and on, turned on and off again, with a bit of interest in his eyes.

The people around were quite interesting, and when they noticed Wan Lizhe's movements, they all turned sideways to give him enough space to look at him.

Zhexi tilted his head and looked along the gap, and the eyes of the two were glued together for an instant.

When Wan Lizhe met those eyes, surprise flashed on his face...

He retracted his legs, got up, and walked in the direction of Zhexi, with a charming smile on the corner of his mouth...

Zhexi's face was calm.

"Smoking?" After he passed by, he leaned against the edge of the table, held the cigarette in one hand, and waved the exquisite cigarette case at Zhexi with the other.

The others dispersed before Wan Lizhe came over, except Wei Feng.

"I don't have this habit." Zhexi said lightly.

After Wan Lizhe heard this, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, he took a puff of the cigarette, sprayed out circles of white mist, and said, "Interesting." "Does Mr. Wan

have time now?" Zhexi asked him.

Wan Lizhe raised his eyebrows lightly: "Of course."

"Can we talk?"

"Yes," Wan Lizhe glanced at Wei Feng next to him, extinguished the smoke, and said to Zhexi, "Go to the third floor ...just the two of us."

"Okay." Zhexi got up and gave Wei Feng a look to reassure him.

Wei Feng turned sideways to get out of the way and did not follow.

Wan Lizhe paused as soon as he raised his step, and suddenly moved closer to Zhexi, and asked in a low voice, "How tall are you?" "

180." Although he was a bit surprised that he asked such a question suddenly, Zhexi still told the truth.

"Oh," Wan Lizhe breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm 181."

Zhexi ignored his childish behavior.

The third floor is very quiet, probably because of the sound insulation.

The two entered one of the rooms, which was simple, black, white and gray, so it looked more like a conference room than an entertainment place.

The two sat on the sofa on one side.

Zhexi cut to the chase and said directly: "I want to join your company's chip design department."

Wan Lizhe choked on her words as soon as he drank his saliva: "You want to join our company...the chip design department?" "

Yes." Zhexi He took two tissues from the table and handed them to him.

Wan Lizhe took the tissue to suppress the surprise at the corners of his mouth, and then said slowly: "For this kind of thing, you just submit your resume, and our company's HR will handle it." "

Then how can someone without a good resume and background get in?" "

Uh... ...You won't tell me that you are that kind?"

Zhexi nodded slightly.

Wan Lizhe frowned and thought for a while, then asked Zhexi a few professional questions, and Zhexi answered fluently, and even added some additional ideas.

She is a relatively rare technical combatant in the post-civilized world. She not only has excellent physical fitness, but also has a lot of technical knowledge and experience. The world is much richer and more complex.

Wan Lizhe's eyes lit up after hearing this, he immediately clapped his hands, stretched out his fingers and said excitedly: "Don't worry, I will leave this matter to me, and I will make arrangements later... After you enter the design department, follow me to do other things. You don't need to worry about anything."

Zhexi naturally had no objection.

After Wan Lizhe asked Zhexi for his contact information, he kindly invited him to have lunch, but Zhexi declined.

"Then next time we have a chance to have dinner together," Wan Lizhe looked like he had picked up a treasure, "You remember that you came to our company on Monday morning with the relevant documents, and I will help you with the entry procedures." "Yes.


After talking about the matter, Zhexi and Wei Feng left together. On the way, Wei Feng asked a few simple questions, and Zhexi also told them all.

The two of them only drove one car, and now Zhexi and Wei Feng are going to pick up Li'er.

Zhexi parked the car under Lin Mu's community, and sat in the car to wait.

Wei Feng came here with Li'er in his arms. The weather was still a bit cold, and Li'er was wrapped up like a small bun.

Zhexi tilted her head to look back, Li'er bent her lips and smiled at her, and Zhexi smiled back at her, seeing that they were seated before starting the car.

"Is Li'er hungry?" Wei Feng helped her smooth out the hair on her cheeks.


"What do you want to eat?" Wei Feng asked gently.

Li'er tilted her head, glanced at Zhexi quickly, then turned her head and raised her face and asked Wei Feng in a low voice: "Is sister Xi with us?" She was holding the corner of her clothes on the left with her right hand, obviously a little nervous... Wei

Feng Feng gently touched her head, and asked Zhexi: "Would you like to eat with us at noon?"

Zhexi held the steering wheel in his hand and looked in the rearview mirror: "Well, let's eat at the restaurant outside, you Tell me the address, and I'll navigate there now."

Zhexi agreed to have dinner together, and Li'er was obviously very happy.

After parking the car, the three of them came from the parking lot together, Li'er stretched out her hand, Zhexi took her by the hand, and Wei Feng took the other side.

Zhexi stared straight ahead, and when he turned his face to the side, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye, and when he looked back, the figure was gone.

She felt strange, why did she seem to see Su Mochen just now? But I'm not sure, Su Mochen is resting today, so he should be at home. But I also remembered that Su Mochen answered the phone in the morning. On the rest day, someone called her so early...

Wei Feng noticed that Zhexi was distracted, and turned his head to look at her: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay."

The three of them Went to a private restaurant, ordered a few delicate side dishes, Zhexi ate a few mouthfuls, then bowed his head and sent Su Mochen a message: Where are you?

After waiting for a few minutes, there was no reply.

Zhexi called Su Mochen on the pretext of going to the toilet.

The phone was hung up, and a message came: eat outside.

Zhexi frowned: With whom? Which restaurant?

After waiting for a while there was no reply.

Zhexi said again: I was outside, I seemed to see you just now.

Reply from there: XX International Restaurant, Room 302.

Zhexi returned to his seat and explained to Wei Feng: "I have something to do now, I have to leave for a while, you and Li'er eat slowly."

Wei Feng was picking shark fins for Li'er, he couldn't help but look up at her, and asked: "What happened?"

"Su Mochen is eating with someone, I want to go over and have a look."

Wei Feng nodded without saying anything.

Zhexi turned around and made a gesture to leave, and then heard Wei Feng say: "She should have been called by the second lady." Su Ao didn't listen to Su Boyuan's words and went to the branch office but came here to be the vice president. Wei Feng naturally understand her intentions. It's just that there are some things that Wei Feng is not easy to come forward to, and he can't come forward, that's why Zhexi was considered to be Su Mochen's personal bodyguard...

"Su Ao?" Zhexi still remembered what Wei Feng told her about the Su family.

"Well, she was transferred and is now the vice president of the Su Corporation." Wei Feng's tone sounded very flat.

But Zhexi frowned, and said with a stern face: "She came here to bully Su Mochen, right?"

Wei Feng was noncommittal.

"Is there anything else you want to add?" Zhexi asked again before leaving.

"When you arrive at the place, just say you're looking for Su Ao, so that the people in the restaurant won't stop you." "

Yes." Zhexi answered and left.

After Zhexi left, Lier's face showed a bit of disappointment, and she was not as happy as before when she ate.

Wei Feng patted her head lightly, coaxing: "Your elder sister Xi has something to deal with, she will still have dinner with us when she has time." "

Really?" Li'er asked with her big eyes blinking.


Li'er just smiled, and she regained her previous vivacity when eating.

Seeing this, Wei Feng's expression was a little complicated.

XX International Restaurant is not far from the place where Zhexi ate just now, just one intersection away.

After entering the door, Zhexi reported Su Ao's name, and the staff of the restaurant not only did not stop him, but even walked ahead to lead the way.

"Ma'am, this is it." The staff said respectfully to Zhexi.

"En." Zhexi responded, took off her coat and handed it to her, and opened the door after she left.

The cups and cups inside were intertwined, and the bustle and bustle stopped abruptly with the sound of the door being pushed. Everyone, without exception, turned their heads to look at the door...

Zhexi paused slightly after meeting Su Mochen's gaze, then quickly moved away to look at the others ...

On the left hand side of Su Mochen sat a former acquaintance, that is old fat man Li, and on the right hand side was that woman? It was the arrogant tigress that day...could she be Su Ao? Zhexi didn't check this woman specifically, but there were only two women present, except for Su Mochen, the other one was Su Ao...

The moment Su Ao looked at her, he obviously recognized her, because her face was a little uncomfortable and stiff, and then she frowned... There was also a flash of

surprise and joy on Fatty Li's face. After that, he never saw her again. Although he was forced a little too much that time, he has long since ignored it. After all, he has only seen such a beautiful purple-eyed mixed race with countless girls once, and he has been thinking about it all the time

. The fat man got up excitedly: "Why did you come?"

Zhexi glanced at him, and said calmly, "Look for someone."

Fatty Li looked at Su Mochen subconsciously, but Zhexi's eyes fell on Su Ao.

Following Zhexi's gaze, the others also looked at Su Ao.

Su Ao turned his fingers and pushed the wine glass in front of him to the side, and said angrily, "What are you all looking at me for?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to answer.

"This Miss Su still remembers me?" Zhexi stared at Su Ao and took a few steps forward.

Su Ao glanced at her lightly, and snorted angrily.

"It seems that I don't remember, it's okay, I can remind you..."

"Shut up..." Su Ao looked annoyed.

Zhexi smiled slightly and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

Facing her purple eyes, Su Ao somehow lowered his voice: "What do you want to do?" "

Nothing, you invite me to dinner now, let's forget what happened last time."

Su Ao's face turned from pale to red, from red to white, and changed a lot. Finally, he just frowned and snorted, which was his acquiescence. Wen Ting (the girl from last time) is an intern of the company Su's, and she doesn't have much salary during the internship. Su Ao may also understand that Wen Ting has no money to compensate the other party, but why would Second Miss Su care about such a big sesame seed? What's more, the driver is Wen Ting. Although Wen Ting speeded up the car under Su Ao's constant urging, how could Second Miss Su take the responsibility on herself... I just didn't expect to meet that person on this occasion... ...

Zhexi was so majestic, and under the gaze of everyone, she moved her chair and squeezed between Su Mochen and Su Ao...

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