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    "Why are you so nice..."

    Zhexi stuck her so close that she could feel... the softness in front of her... Su Mochen blushed, bit her lip and patted the man's back: "Stop Open."

    Zhexi withdrew her hand awkwardly, touched the tip of her nose with her thumb, and asked in a low voice: "Then you...will you still help me rub my stomach?"

    Su Mochen got up and turned his back to her, and Zhexi couldn't see From her expression, I only heard her say: "Go quickly... I'm going to rest..."

    "Oh." Zhexi reluctantly responded. Rubbing her belly flew away like this, she secretly thought it was a pity.

    "Give me the car keys, my back injury has almost healed, and I can drive now." Zhexi stared at her back.

    "It's under the table, take it yourself."

    Zhexi was a little surprised that she was so easy to talk, and thought it would be inaccurate.

    "Then I'll come pick you up tomorrow, and bring breakfast along the way." Zhexi stretched out her finger and tapped her shoulder lightly.


    "Then I'm leaving?" Zhexi bent down and took the car keys.


    Didn't even look at her?     Zhexi felt unwilling , and asked again: "Do you have anything else to say to me?


On her shoulder: "You haven't told me happy birthday yet."

    Su Mochen stiffened and bit her lip, clenched the hem of her clothes with her hands: "Happy birthday." "

    Thank you," Zhexi chuckled, "don't forget Just choose a gift for me."

    "I won't forget," Su Mochen paused, "If you don't leave... Maybe you will forget." "

    Leave immediately." Zhexi let go and walked away neatly.

    In response to the moonlight, Zhexi drove back humming a tune all the way. Why did she dare to hug Su Mochen from the back just now, because she caught a glimpse of Su Mochen's ears turning red...the little redness on the snow-white skin is particularly eye-catching... shy? Zhexi was overjoyed.

    From today onwards, all paces and rhythms have basically returned to the past. She brought Su Mochen breakfast, and they ate together. After the meal, Su Mochen helped her apply the medicine, then she sent Su Mochen to Su's work, and finally drove back to Wan's by herself.

    Xiao Lin clearly felt that the mood at the neighboring table was very good today, and the blizzard had finally passed. Xiao Lin also heaved a sigh of relief, and joked with the neighbor table playfully, and Zhexi also smiled a few times to save face.

    He was in good spirits, so he stopped drinking coffee. Zhexi got up to get a cup of hot drink, but unfortunately ran into Wan Lizhe again... Wan Lizhe sighed three times while Zhexi was taking the hot drink... ...He didn't seem to be in good condition, and he didn't have the suit and leather shoes from the previous two days...

    When the liquid in the glass was almost full, Zhexi stopped, and then he was about to leave... Wan Lizhe's tone was sullen, Frowning: "Can't you see that I'm in a bad mood?"

    Zhexi glanced at him, and said in a calm tone, "Manager Wan, it's time to go to work."

    "Do you have time at noon? I want to chat with you."

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