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At the clearing in a forest area.

Three people in a distance enjoying the picnic.

Two adults and a child the first adult is a male who has orange hair color his name is Masaru Kaboom.

The second is a woman with red/pink color hair her name is Mitsuki Kaboom wife to Masaru.

The last one is a young girl with both of the adults hair colors and her name is Anna Kaboom.

This nice family is enjoying their picnic they were making food until Mitsuki realize that someone is missing.

 Mitsuki: Honey do you know where is anna Said with a questionsble look.

That got his attention.

Masaru: I thinkg she went exploring in the forest. Said with a smile and point to the direction that anna is seeing running in the forest.

Mitsuki sigh 

Mitsuki: Can she one of the times say where she is going without runing of like that. Said with a smile.

Masaru: You were like that when you were at her age and dragging me everytime you want to go exploring. Said with a small smile.

Mitsuki: Should we go after her maybe she is going to hert herself. Said with a worried look.

Masaru: Don't worry anna will be fine. Said with a smile.

Mitsuki: Fine but if she is hurt you will not go anywhere tonight. Said with a yandere look

That made Masaru pale and pray for anna not to get hurt.

Seen change: inside the forest.

A young six year old girl walking around the forest she was bored to stay at picnic and doing nothing now she is all excited to explore new areas.

She decided to explore the forest and see the wild animals and the beautiful nature, she sees some animals, flowers and birds flying by.

Anna: Wow this is amazing. Said with an Excited look.

(Author: Don't worry she will be like in the anime with anger like always.)

She notice some crows flying towards her and stop infront of her face the and they were making cawing sounds

(Author: Cawing sounds are what crows sounds like.)

She was waving her hands to move them way from her face but she didn't know that the crows tried to lead her somewhere.

The crows are not gonna stop so one of them opened her deck box and stole her favourite card

Anna notice that her card was held it by one of the crows and the crow starting to fly away with her card

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Anna notice that her card was held it by one of the crows and the crow starting to fly away with her card

Anna: Hey give it back. Said with anger while she was chasing after that crow while the others followed.

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