Finally, you made it to the big building. You walked inside to see several others waiting just as you were. You moved past some people to get to the front and to be fair, you're only 5'3.

It's hard to see past some people.

"Welcome, welcome! Today, you are all freshmen at Chicago University! Which means, you're all one step away from being successful in life! Please make your way to your assigned dorms as they are told to you as you walk by. Good night everyone and I hope you have a great first day tomorrow!" The front lady announced.

Walking past the guards, you heard him say "Room 13 on the 10th level of the 3 building." And you nodded politely, walking past him with excitement seeping through your bones. You walked out of the school in towards the campus area and walked to your apartment building. You could see all the people chatting outside of their dorms and other people were already having some sort of hangout. You took the elevator up and looked around for your room. "Aha, room 13" you said to yourself. "I hope my roommates a girl..." you whispered to yourself. But hey, no one listens to you anyway so why would Hope?

"Ugh, not a girl. I told them to send me Jungkook." The brown haired boy said upon your arrival. "Well it's nice to meet you too, butthole." You mumbled, looking around the dorm room. "Your rooms on the far end of the hallway. You can put some stuff up on the walls of the dorm but don't move my shit. Kapeesh?" "Yeah, sure." "My names Magnolia, if you even cared." "Taehyung." You nodded and walked down the hall to your room.

"oh my god-It's perfect!" You exclaimed looking around your room in awe. No, it wasn't decorated yet but it still had so much wall space that you could make your dream room in here! "You also have your own bathroom so don't use the guest one. Or the guest room, obviously." Taehyung said from behind you, scaring you a bit. "Okaaay, I'm gonna change and get settled in." "Whatever."

1 hr and 30 mins later...

"Aaaaand done! Finally, after like 2 hours or something." You said, rubbing your sweaty palms on your shirt. You had finally finished setting up your room in the hour and a half you've been here. And many times you wanted to punch Taehyung or rebuild the whole dorm so you couldn't hear what was going on in his room. Yes, he brought a girl over and did unholy things. And he didn't even ask if you were okay with this! But it's whatever, she might've not known.

You walked out of your room and caught them saying their goodbyes but the girl stopped talking and looked over at you, making Taehyung stop and look at you too. "Ugh, seriously? The made you room with a girl!?" "Yeah, I asked for Jungkook but I guess they just don't care." The girl smirked and whispered in Taehyungs ear and Taehyung smiled after, looking over at you. The girl made her way over to you and she gave you a snarky smirk. "Keep yourself away from my man, alright? I don't wanna hurt a hoe in my first year here." You scoffed in shock. A hoe? Please, she looked like a hoe in her outfit.

"I don't know who you are nor do I care but if there's one thing that will piss me off is calling me anything related to fucking people for money. Never do that again. Understood?" The girl scoffed and turned around, walking to the door. She gave Taehyung a sloppy kiss on his lips and left, Taehyung closing the door behind her. "You're already a horrible roommate. You let her talk to me like that for what?" Taehyung simply shrugged, "I don't like you." You scoffed and went back to your room.

'This will be a fun year, won't it?'

Sleep outfit:

Okay so there are 2 choices for her room, depends on the kind person u are

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Okay so there are 2 choices for her room, depends on the kind person u are

Her room:

Her room pt2:

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Her room pt2:

Her room pt2:

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